Sustainability News


Looking around the school grounds we found a lot of the rubbish in our yard and our bins were full of wrappers being brought to school from home in lunchboxes.

As part of Epping Views Primary School Sustainability Program our Sustainability Leaders of the school have decided that we needed to do something about it.

As part of our effort to reduce waste and encourage our school community to think about the amount of packaging they throw out, Epping Views Primary has re-introduced NUDE FOOD LUNCHES. This is an opportunity for students to combine healthy eating with being environmentally aware. Parents and teachers at EVPS are encouraged to help students make healthy lunch choices and prepare their food without the use of extra wrappers.

Each day a student from each class will check for Nude Food Lunches. Each student with nude food is awarded with house points. The class with the most Nude Food lunches at the end of the week is announced at assembly by our Sustainability Leaders and awarded the Nude Food Trophy to the class with the most Nude Food. 

Thank you for your support and helping us create a Sustainable Future.


What is a Nude Food Lunch Box?

A 'nude' food lunchbox is one that has no plastic wrappers or rubbish that goes to landfill. Use re-useable snap lock bags or re-useable containers to build a healthy and rubbish free lunch box. 



· Involve the children

· Pack the night before

· Keep costs down – don’t buy snack sized packages

· Vary fillings of sandwiches

· Remind children to put any uneaten food back into lunch boxes

· Finger food – cut into bite sized pieces

· Pre-cut fruit and vegetables and pop them in airtight containers in the fridge the night before

· Bake in bulk (when you have some spare time) and freeze savoury and sweet muffins, scrolls, pikelets, scones for quick lunchbox snacks

· Put Child’s snack and lunch in a container

· We recommend you label all your child’s container’s in case it gets lost

· Use a reusable cloth Lunch bag for lunch orders


Sustainability Garden and Chickens

The Sustainability Leaders went down to the garden to help Branka. We first got gloves from the shed and then headed to the garden bed. We started by pulling out all the weeds and we all had so much fun making pretend dirt cakes. After that we planted some broccoli, cauliflower, sugar snap peas and spring onion saplings, being careful so that we wouldn't damage the roots of the seedlings. Once we finished planting the saplings Owen, Tharuli, Pearl and Chloe sprinkled fertilizer around each of the vegetables. Then we put plant cage covers on top of the vegetables while Angelo, Rohan and Zainab watered them.


Pearl, Owen, Angelo, Tharuli, Rohan, Zainab went into Cluckingham Palace (the chicken coop). We were all super excited to go inside of the chicken coop but Chloe was frightened by the sight of the chickens. All of us went in carefully so that none of the chickens would escape. We first went to collect the eggs, only finding one. We kept passing the egg around each of us scared we were going to break it. We then had fun with the chickens and lifted them up. Before we were about to leave, we closed the gate leading to the grass area and closed up the chicken coop for the night. Once we left the chicken coop we finished up watering and fertilizing the plants before heading off to wash our hands.


Branka Petrovic,
