Year 4 Camp

Year 4 Camp


Camp Reflection (Giant Swing) ✨

From Isabela Wigmore 4CB

On Thursday (11th of May  2023), my group, Group 1, went on the Giant Swing. The Giant Swing was 18 meters tall. So the staff would harness you in the swing and the rest of the kids would pull a rope and it would raise you in the air. Then you would tell them when to stop and you would pull a black rope, I went FLYING, the experience was astonishing. It literally felt like you were an eagle watching over everybody, it was incredible. I wish I went higher because I only went like 6 meters high😢. But either way it was amazing!


Camp by Brandon Nguyen

Rock Climbing

So first we did the rock climbing thingy first someone has to climb and the other person has to stay on the ground and the first person who climbs has to climb at side of the rock climbing area.

And when the first person falls the other person has to catch them and when you climb it will be harder and harder and the last level is the hardest one and that's the first activity we did.



The second activity we did was canoeing we had to wear a safe jacket thingy and wear a helmet for safety and we had to use a paddle to paddle the canoe and when it's your first time it’s hard cause when you paddle it moves in the lefts and rights and it was hard to go straight and when the guy that uses the whistle first than it's an activity but when he uses it three times than it's an emergency and that's really it for the canoeing.



The third thing we did was archery. Archery was an aiming activity and I got 9 points. I almost got a bullseye and we had 3 arrows and we needed a partner so I picked Nathan and he literally got a bullseye in his first try. All of us were so surprised he got it first try and Andrew the teacher from 4LB and he was shocked for about 1 second and then he was normal again and that's all about archery.


Report on non-campers excursion

BY Harold V 

When I went to the non-campers excursion, I loved all the games there and I loved the beach volleyball with all the sand coming between my feet and the sand was nice and cold.

There was also soccer, basketball, hockey dodgeball and T ball.

When I played T ball I was fielding first, and I had to chase the ball and when I was batting I ran and ran!



by Katie Le 4CB

It was a bright, and sunny day. There was slow, soft and flowing wind rushing through the sky. Foot steps were heard as the students stepped down the bus stairs. The chatting began. “Alright..” called Melissa. “Everyone make your way through the entrance and make sure you stop where Emma is. Understood?” “Understood!” replied the students. They slowly walked through the entrance, and entered a big, and spacious area.


The students walked to the register, stopping by where Emma is and looking around their surroundings. “This place is fantastic! But I’d still rather be at camp," Natalie randomly revealed. Sarah chuckled at Natalie. “Well too bad your parents declined.” “Whatever.” “Okay! Everyone follow Emma!” yelled out Melissa. Everyone made their way to the indoor soccer field. Students put their bags away and sat down on the vibrant, green field.


“Do you want me to split them into groups or what?” “Oh we will split them. Hello!” The noisy chatter from the students went silent. Everyone turned their heads and look at Tom. “My name is Tom, this is Riley and this is John. We will be splitting you into groups.” After that, Tom split the students into groups.