Parish & Faith News

The Catholic Parish of St Joseph, Newport & Spotswood

The Catholic Parish of St Joseph, Newport & Spotswood

is committed to the safety, wellbeing and dignity of all children and vulnerable adults.


"Act in a way that upholds the safety of children and all vulnerable people"



Children’s Liturgy

To the families of Sacred Heart and St Margaret Mary's of the Parish of St Joseph, 


The parish is hoping to reinstate regular Children's Liturgy during the 10am Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart Church to encourage young families and their children to our weekend Masses.

We are looking to form a group of 3-5 adults/youth (16 years and older) who are interested in taking turns to lead these sessions and create opportunities for the children of our parish to learn more about the life of Jesus.


Resources and guidance would be provided.


If you are interested, please speak to Fr Binh after Mass or contact Ivana at the parish office on 9391 1201 or email to




Dear Parishioners and Friends, 


Weekend Mass times are as follows:

Saturday - 5.30pm Mass @ St Margaret Mary’s Spotswood

Sunday   -  10.00am Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Newport.

 We will continue to remain united in prayer by continuing to live stream Mass on Sundays at 10.00am via the parish Facebook page.


Please find attached the newsletter for the weekend as we celebrate PALM SUNDAY, Year A.



 QR Codes for Giving has arrived

Please find attached flyer with a QR code that CDF has provided for our Parish.  This is for parishioners who would like to give via electronic payments.  The QR code can be a one off payment or set up a scheduled payment.  I have placed the QR codes on the notice boards and at the back of the church for those who would prefer this type of payment method. 




Prior to mass, log in Facebook and search for The Parish of St Joseph, Newport & Spotswood (will show image of SMM church) and like the page.  You will receive a reminder prior to the Mass commencement.  Please click on the link, sit back and enjoy Mass.  You will now also be able to see updates from the Parish as they are posted


Facebook Link

Parish Newsletter



Parish Visitation Report - Bishop Martin Ashe


Strategic Planning




Parish Priest- Fr Binh Le

Parish Office: 9 Newcastle St, Newport 

                           9391 1201