Winter Uniform 2023

Winter Uniform 2023


As the cooler weather approaches, we would like to take this opportunity to remind the college community of our uniform shop hours in order to secure your winter warmers. 


Our uniform shop is open Monday 8:00 am to 10:00 am and Thursday 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. 


We take pride in our students and promoting an inclusive learning environment. When worn correctly, the college uniform symbolises pride in being part of our school community. Our uniform and student behaviour continue to uphold our reputation of achievement amongst the wider community. We want to take this opportunity to thank parents and guardians for supporting us in ensuring compliance with Staughton College’s Uniform Policy. 


Whilst at school, including the movement to and from school, it is expected that students correctly wear the full school uniform. 


We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you of all our Staughton College uniform items that are available online here:   


Staughton College strongly believes that wearing the full school uniform improves school safety and creates a sense of belonging. We would like to thank you for your continued support.

  • Student Operations Team