Pupil of the week 

1 May 2023


Hannah M: for your fantastic participation in our THRASS lessons. You’re an absolute superstar! 


Sam B: for his amazing efforts in our Literacy sessions. You are a THRASS wizard. I love how you found the ‘Wh’ digraph in books.


Kevin Z - For being a kind and thoughtful class member. You are always willing to lend a hand to help set up and pack up our classroom.

Lachlan J - for your amazing information writing about tigers.


Ruby C: For the wonderful way you talk about your learning.You always have something interesting to say.

Thomas P: For your great reading style. I am so impressed with the ease at which you read and your excellent comprehension.


Isabella B:For her dedication during Maths sessions, demonstrating her excellent growth mindset.

Archie G: for being a great role model for our class of ‘It takes great strength to be sensible’. Thank you Archie.


Levi: For showing outstanding initiative in the classroom. What a great role model you are.

Hailey: For always helping in the classroom and showing great initiative. Thank you for all you do!


Tate M: For always striving to be the best version of yourself. You always demonstrate the school values Tate!

Scarlett H: For trying your personal best in all you do. Keep up the great attitude Scarlett!


Reuben M - for your persistence and hard work on your Anzac Day information poster. Well done!

Cora R - for your excellent communication and encouragement of others during Play is the Way. Great job!


Brock H - for striving for his personal best when developing his persuasive text

Eddie P- for beginning to reflect on his learning and recognising the need to set personal goals.


Eden S- For demonstrating a detailed understanding of comparing and contrasting texts.

Leila P - for always giving100% to all that you do, your efforts do not go unnoticed.


Mia P - For the effort you put into researching and presenting your Geography poster. Great work!

Juh S-  For always giving100% to all that you do, your efforts do not go unnoticed.


Vincent D - for your excellent effort whilst writing your recount of your trip to France. Your piece was interesting and descriptive. Well done! 

Milla K- for always striving towards your personal best in all that you do. Your resilience is admirable. Well done! 


Isabella O - for always trying your best. You give all tasks 100% effort and approach challenges with enthusiasm. 

Leon Z - for being a more active participant during our class discussions. Keep up the great work! 


Genevieve H - for continually contributing enthusiastically to our class discussions. You are always willing to share your ideas and listen thoughtfully to others.

Manudi H - For demonstrating a wonderful attitude towards your learning. Keep working hard to achieve your learning goals. 


Gavin M - for your hard working attitude towards all areas in the classroom and enthusiastic participation in the production. Well done Gavin! 

Kailyn - for always striving to be the best version of yourself. You are a kind and considerate classmate, always looking out for others. Amazing work Kailyn!


Gemma.D- For your brilliantly worded product description.

Hannah.E- For your hard work and excellent results during our Financial Maths unit.

Visual Arts

Leon Z 5B - for showing kindness in helping classmates complete their clay artwork.