Teaching and Learning

Semester One Reports are scheduled to be sent out to parents on the last day of Term 2 (Friday 23rd June).
Our reports will look a little bit different this year as we move across to the Compass portal. In consultation with all teaching staff, we have reviewed the layout of our reports and improved it to reflect what we believe to be the most effective way to report on the progress of your child/ren.
Students will receive reports in the key areas of LITERACY, NUMERACY, HUMANITIES, SCIENCES, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AUSLAN and ART.
Each section will provide an overview of the content covered in the classroom and when commenting on student achievement and areas for improvement, teachers will list specific skills in dot points to ensure clear and concise descriptions that parents can easily follow.
Progression points will be reflected at the top of each learning area, rather than all on one page at the front.
Teachers will also provide a general comment on the student's attitude, behaviour, effort and social capabilities.
Julian De Zilva & Luisa Prendergast
Teaching and Learning Leaders