Student Engagement

House Points
McMullen house won the choccies - literally! They were our week 1 victors. The second week saw Hicks win with Zooper Doopers - it was a freezing cold day but they were happier than ever to indulge in the icy treat! Onto week 3, extra recess time for the super Starling students. Again, there seems to be a trend in the bonus 500 point in assembly dictates the winners for the following week. Lets see if this continues!We’re loving the enthusiasm in each assembly, keep working hard and ticking off those house points!
Mothers Day Afternoon Tea
Thank you to all the wonderful Mothers for coming to our afternoon tea on Friday. It was a lovely buzz in the gardens with happy faces and full tummies. Well done to every grade for contributing such delicious treats, we were so pleased with the turn out and there was absolutely no food left at the end! We hope all families enjoyed it as much as the staff did!
Sprinkle Kindness
In week 2, we had a whole school focus around bullying and the best ways to combat it. Inside the classroom we set up activities to educate and upskill our students ensuring there is a common understanding that we have a zero tolerance for bullying behaviours in our school. As a positive way to conclude the week, we focused on the benefits of being kind and ensuring we sprinkle it around our school. What better way to celebrate this than make fairy bread!? Check our facebook page for some wonderful photo footage. Thanks to all staff members for taking the time to create suitable activities and prioritising our students wellbeing to make our school a happy place for all.