Senior School

5/6 JDZ & 5/6 JD


The classroom has been an extremely busy place recently! 


In Reading, we have been exploring Author's Purpose and Point of View. We have considered the 3 main reasons an author creates a text (to entertain, to persuade or to inform) and examined why an author makes certain choices that cause the reader to have a specific reaction. When looking at Point of View, we considered who's perspective a text is written in and considered how the context can change when the point of view also changes.


In Writing, we have continued to develop our Persuasive Writing, exploring ways to write an effective argument and conclusion. We discussed types of evidence and supporting information and how the quality of these enhance the tone and persuasiveness of the piece.


In Maths, we continued our work on BODMAS and started exploring some other number properties like Factors and Multiples. This week we have also started a unit on length where we will be completing work on choosing appropriate units of measurement and converting between units for length.


Students have continued to work on their 'Plan a Holiday' projects in Humanities, researching flights and accommodation for their chosen destination. 


Finally, in Science, we have started some work on how the growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their environment. We studied the life cycle of a plant and have begun conducting an experiment where we will be growing some seedlings in different conditions such as light/shade and using different liquids!


On Monday, our Year 5 & 6 students participated in a very special incursion run by award winning charity Take 3 for the Sea!

Our students had a wonderful and eye-opening experience learning about the impacts of waste on the environment, completing a waste audit around the school and developing action plans for future sustainability success! 


We managed to collect an insane 7kgs of rubbish!

We are extremely grateful to AVID Property Group Australia who sponsored the program for us! 


 Keep your eyes peeled for possible write ups in the local media and a very special educational video that we were lucky enough to be a part of! 


We learnt that even the smallest action can make a difference!