Secondary School News

Linda Wakeling 

As Term 3 wraps up, students and staff are all looking forward to the holidays. There have been some amazing opportunities for our students this term to learn and to get out in the community.


Room 19 has been focusing on life skills and social interaction skills. The students have been showing more independence and acceptance of things happening around them. The staff have worked hard to ensure they have an engaging program each day to allow the students to show their achievements.


Room 20 – VPC have been busy getting out into the community to practice their travel training skills and work related skills. They have visited places such as RSPCA to look at the roles of the workers and the different types of work places. Many of the students have participated in programs such as SBAT, Vet and work experience. It is great to watch these students gain the skills they will need to help them after they graduate.


Room 21 – Enjoyed heading to Broadmeadows to visit the Library and the Shopping Centre this term. They were able to use money counting skills which they have been learning in class and apply this to real world situations when purchasing their lunches.


Room 22 – enjoyed visiting the Royal Botanic Gardens. They went on a guided bus tour throughout the gardens before finding a place to have some lunch together. They learnt about the history of the gardens and some of the amazing plants they can find there.


Room 23 – Has been working hard on Fridays to run the Hands On Learning Canteen each week. They are in charge of ensuring all the hot food is cooked properly. They make sure everyone gets their lunches on time.


Room 24 – Has been working hard on Thursdays to do the preparation for the HOL Canteen each week. Students learnt that this is the most important part of the canteen program as without their preparation each week there wouldn’t be enough food ready to go out on Fridays. Each week they have helped by cooking items such as scones, biscuits and making salads.


Rooms 25 and 27 Advance – These two rooms have enjoyed attending the SYN FM program each week to record a radio show. Students would prepare their own piece each week and then record it for the radio show. Another highlight has been the interschool’s sports program where they have focussed on Soccer and Bowling


Room 26 – Enjoyed visiting the museum to learn about the history of Melbourne, look at the amazing dinosaur skeletons and animal collections.


Yesterday, students took part in the Kaboom Kids House colours days. They went out to the bus loop to take part in a variety of sporting activities. It certainly was a blast for everyone.

Room 27

Students in Room 27 have been busy this semester participating in many activities. Mondays have been most exciting for Advance students, who have been busy hosting their own radio show on 90.7, SYN FM. Wednesday sports have been varied this term, with students’ partaking in soccer, tennis and bowling. One of the most memorable excursions has been the ‘Road to Zero’ program at the Melbourne Museum, where students have learned about safety on the road, through the use of interactive technology including simulations.