Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill

Term 2, Week 8


The final newsletter for the term and what a term it has been! Between special lunch orders, student support meetings, Mother’s Day stalls and of course swimming, it has been one to remember. Students have settled further into classroom routines and have continued to build relationships with their peers and classroom staff. I have seen plenty of learning going on, students showing greater independence and a growing understanding of themselves and others. Most importantly I have seen plenty of smiles and happy children as I see them entering the gates, walking into classrooms and of course out in the yard.


Next term we have plenty of exciting things to come! I hope everyone has a wonderful break, and I will see you, well rested, ready to commence Term 3.


Room 17

Term 2 has been very busy for the students in Room 17 filled with several exciting activities such as swimming, special lunch order day – Subway and PBS winners and birthday celebrations.  Students have been working hard on improving their academic and social skills.