Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Room 1 students for showing improvement in all areas of learning in Term 2!

Room 2

  • Ahyan, for doing good listening in the classroom and playground.
  • Riyansha, for doing good listening on the bus.

Room 3

  • Homaira has demonstrated she can follow a ‘first and then’ visual schedule.
  • Amel has demonstrated he can join in Morning Circle, with support.

Room 4

  • Lenny has been an outstanding class monitor. Lenny has been looking after class property and packing it away when not needed. We really appreciate you modelling to the rest of your classmates. Well done! 
  • Mabior has really enjoyed working on his chalk drawings and has created some wonderful artwork. We really enjoy seeing how much joy this activity brings you. Well done!

Room 5

  • Enver,  for sitting and participating in morning circle in the classroom.
  • Mikaeel, for doing a good job using his words and pointing to visuals to communicate when he would like a movement break by saying "I want playground". 

Room 6

  • River, for demonstrating high level of interest and participation in all class activities.
  • Ali, for his enthusiastic approach to all learning activities.

Room 7

  • Aras, for super swimming during swimming week. Well done. 

Room 8

  • Serra, for doing good listening in class 
  • Ivy, for her hard work in Maths class

Room 9

  • Laith, for making excellent process towards his learning goals
  • Carter, for making excellent process towards his learning goals