Primary Sub-School News

Rachael Macmillan

As we look ahead to the end of Semester 1, Term 2, we can appreciate the achievements from our wonderful Primary Sub School. Students learn a lot about routine and school expectations during the first half of the year as they are exposed to new experiences and learning. Our recent SSGs were an opportunity to highlight some of the skills your child is gaining. Our students have been learning to communicate, play with toys, be social, count, dance, follow an instruction, read, make sandcastles, and so much more! It has been a delight to see the development in every one of students. Every achievement in our students, no matter how big or small, is worth celebrating. 


As parents and carers, you spend countless hours with your child to support them to be their very best. It's a good time to reflect and take a moment to celebrate your achievements as a parent/carer, and of course, those of your child.


Next term will bring some exciting new events for our students, including excursions and incursions.  Our Prep students will be beginning their Kinder Gym Program, and we will have a Father's Day Stall, our JSA Book Fair and a Footy Day special lunch. It will be an engaging and exciting Term 3.

Room 9

Room 9 have had a very busy year so far. Enjoyed activities have included: excursions to Croc’s playcentre, McDonalds and swimming, gardening and cooking, Easter celebrations and celebrating student birthday parties.


Students have worked hard to accomplish their curriculum goals this semester and improve their understanding of emotions, conversation turn taking and asking peers questions. They are looking forward to more planned incursions and excursions this year, including We Rock the Spectrum and House Colours Day this fortnight.