Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke              Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager

Facilities Works 

  • Installation of rubber fall matting underneath birds nest swing 
    • Due to a logistics backlog at the company this will now be installed in August 2023
  • Ceilings in the school will be repaired and painted during the Term 2 holidays.
  • Artificial Grass in playgrounds will be groomed during Term 2 holidays.

Facilities are working with HoL students to repair and maintain seating around the school. The HoL students are currently designing a seat to be placed outside the new OT room to allow staff and students a quiet place to enjoy the magnolia and grassed area.


The school is still waiting for the outcome of the VSBA Planned Maintenance Program funding for the re-stumping and repair of floors in classrooms and the Administration corridor, replacing windows above the exit to the ramp towards middle school and placement of overflows in the box gutters in some of the Secondary portables.


Capital Works 

The outdoor gym has has been out of action since the beginning of the last school holidays whilst electrical conduits have been installed underneath. This work has now been completed and the area restored for student use. In the background the photo also shows the steel framing to date. 

Outdoor gym area
Outdoor gym area

The tall stanchions on the gym area of the new building are slowly being put into place. 


Progress has been slowed down since we were advised by Essendon Airport Authorities that we need to use a small crane. This is now taking longer for the stanchions to be placed.s


Sensory /OT Room

Is in constant use by students. The switchboard now has a lockable metal box in addition to the vinyl box. This means that the switchboard is not generally accessible.