Lower Primary 2

Hello friends and family,
Can you believe it is already the middle of Term four? We can’t! Lower Primary 2 have been having an absolute blast all year and the past few weeks have been no different. One of our highlights is that we have been spending time in the pool with Miss Bec building our confidence around water and extending our water safety skills. A big shout out of appreciation to all those involved in planning and volunteering to make this happen for all our students at Rockhampton North Special School.
We also celebrated “Loud Shirt Day” on Friday the 22nd of October, to raise awareness for deaf and hard of hearing children. To join in the festivities, we all made our very own “loud” shirt. We used our fine motor and decision-making skills to choose colours and pick up individual pieces of crepe paper. We then glued these onto and shirt templates and hey presto… a loud shirt! We then spent some time using our Proloquo2Go devices to discuss and write about all the beautiful colours on each of our shirts.
In Science we have been learning about how things move. The past two weeks we have played ten pin bowling and watched what happens when we roll the ball and it hits the pins. This involved a lot of cheering and some writing about all things movement. We also got to watch some rocket balloons. Miss Hayley blew them up, with some difficulty, and we watch as they zoomed around the room. We had a big class discussion about how fast and slow they moved but definitely preferred to chase after them and squeal with excitement instead.
We have been doing many exciting things this week and have plenty more to come, including improving our selfie skills and starting rehearsals for our end of year concert… but that is top secret business and we can’t wait to surprise you all with our performance.
Signing out, The Lower Primary 2 Team.