
Trish Lloyd

Day For Daniel 

This is the day Australia remembers the tragic abduction and murder of Daniel Morcombe in 2003. 'Day for Daniel' is a wonderful child safety initiative established by Daniel's brave and selfless parents and is an opportunity for us, as educators, to promote the safety and wellbeing of the children in our care. 


We will hold our 'Day for Daniel' on November 5th and have a day all about child safety.

The children are asked to wear red and give a gold coin donation to support the work of the Morecombe Foundation. As this is the first day we will all be together as a school community, I think focussing on the safety and wellbeing of all our precious children is a great way to begin! 


Thankyou for your support,

Trish Lloyd

Wellbeing and Community Hub Leader


Online Playgroup


Playgroup will begin online on the 15th October and run every Friday at 9:30am. We still have openings, so if you want to join please email Trish Lloyd. plloyd@sttcbourne.catholic.edu.au

Sing and Grow

Online Computer Class

We will be running Online Computer Classes on the 19th October beginning at 11:00am  These classes are open to everyone. Please email Trish Lloyd  plloyd@sttcbourne.catholic.edu.au if you would like to join.

To the students of St Therese’s, you’re not alone!

Lockdown 6.0 isn't easy!

But there are ways to stay positive.

Think of lockdown as an opportunity to grow as a learner and develop resilience.

 If you use our tips and tricks, you might find that lockdown is just that little bit easier.


1.    Taking breaks is super important! Being in lockdown for the sixth time means more screen time and your brain and body suffer from sitting down for a long period of time. You could:

·        Go outside and play

·        read a book, play a game or go for a walk

·        Spend time with family: play a board game together or have a chat

·        Dance, sing or listen to or play some music 

·        Play dress-ups 

·        Ride your bike 

·        Do some cooking with a family member and try new foods

·        Practise gymnastics

·        Talk with your family

·        Do some arts and crafts


2.    Always try your best with everything that you do. If you need some help or aren't sure about something you could: 

·        Check your work before you press submit 

·        Ask for help if you aren’t sure what to do

·        Don't spend the whole day alone, speak to your teachers, parents, siblings and                        friends, communicate!


All of these people are there to help you! If you’ve got a problem with anything just ask the people in your house or your teacher.


3.    Having a routine in lockdown is a really helpful way to set goals in remote learning. Some ideas could be

·        Attend all your Google meets

·        Make a checklist: make a list and cross off each task after you finish it.

·        Setting timers to finish tasks can help you do your work on time. 

·        Stick to the timetable, use your breaks for stretching and moving


4.    Looking after your mental health is extremely important because being inlockdown isn't easy for many reasons. Try and think of this time as a chance to grow as a person and learner. Some ways to keep being happy and to keep enjoying school are:

·        Ask for help

·        Find a place that is quiet where you feel like you can calm down and take some time            to de-stress.

·        At the end of the day you should take some time to think about what you've done well

·        Breathe

·        Exercise

·        Be proud of yourself

·        Have something to look forward to each day

·        Listen to music

·        Keep in contact with your friends

·        Do things that you love!

·        Scream and shout and let it all out!

·        Dance like nobody's watching!