Religious Education

Michelle Hinds

Parish Bulletin


'It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.'
Mark 10:17-30

The Importance of Discipleship

Jesus teaches us that discipleship comes in many forms and that we should be guided by the Commandments. The Commandments that Jesus cites in Sunday's Gospel are all related to right dealing and consideration with one another.


He continues to challenge the human person to give to others when He dialogues with the rich man. In fact, He instructs the rich man to 'give his wealth away to the poor' so as to 'inherit eternal life'. What is it that we do to assist others? We don't simply help others so that we may be repaid but instead do this as an initiative without expecting something in return. Human endeavour is sometimes irrelevant as what lies in the outcome is what is sometimes most important through the power of God. Anything is possible for God!


The Gospel is a call to discipleship. Helping our family, friends, school community or neighbour requires uncompromising discipleship in the way we speak and act. The Word displays a recognisable portrayal of the human condition embodied in the rich man and the great disciple that is Peter.


In the context of our current life challenges, are we prepared to go that extra mile so that we can pass through the 'eye of the needle' for someone else?




St Therese's Feast Day

Whilst still on school holidays, October 1st was the Feast Day of our school's Patron Saint - St Thérèse of Lisieux.


Due to the current lockdown, we have scheduled to celebrate the special feast day on Friday 15th October 2021 with a liturgy and activities led by the teachers for each class. Please join us for the virtual St Therese Liturgy at 9:15a.m using the following Google Link:


St. Thérèse wrote once, "You know well enough that Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them."


This St Thérèse quote links well to the weekend's Gospel message.


Grow in gratitude and empathy.

Michelle Hinds