Year 7 

Mentone Campus

It has been fantastic to see all of our Year 7 students return to school after an extended period of online learning. The opportunity to come together in the classroom and also interact at school with teachers and classmates has been appreciated by all.


May I take this opportunity to thank, and congratulate, all Year 7 students and their families for the efforts they made during the time spent working from home this year.


It has been most encouraging to see many of the boys involving themselves once again in numerous activities that have recommenced around the college. We have many Year 7 students involved in Thursday afternoon sporting activities which have have been so well received by many students.


I wish everybody all the best for the time remaining in Year 7 this year. As we all reflect on the year that has passed, I hope you will carry with you some fond memories of your time in Year 7 at St Bede’s.



Mr James Honan

Year 7 Coordinator