Principal's News

Preparing for The Unknown

As the ‘big day’ approaches for our students to return to onsite learning we have been meeting regularly as a staff to try and plan (as best we can) for how the next few weeks will unfold. Whilst there are a couple of logistical challenges, such as specialist and yard duty timetables that we can plan for (thankfully, Martin is a whiz with these things) we do know that we are heading into a ‘bit of an unknown’ with how our children will cope with the return to school.


We have had a number of staff meetings during the last two weeks to try and put in place plans for ‘prevention’ not intervention, ie, how can we put in place some key wellbeing strategies to support our children as they return to school. During a particularly long staff meeting on Wednesday, I was quite blown away by the collective expertise and understanding of student wellbeing and the measures staff are already planning and sharing in preparation. These wellbeing plans will be woven into our school day and will be agile and responsive to students and their needs. Whilst English and Maths will be key priorities in the school timetable, the staff will expertly incorporate wellbeing strategies throughout the day.


One of the ‘new covid- normal’ requirements will be our students having to wear masks indoors, and for some children, this will be a significant challenge. Prep- 2 students are encouraged to wear masks for indoor learning and our 3-6s are mandated to wear masks indoors.  This will be gently encouraged- we cannot force children to wear them; under no circumstances will a child be reprimanded or removed from a classroom for not ‘complying’. I ask that you, as parents, discuss this with your child and encourage them to wear their masks when in classrooms- collectively we can only try our best with this directive. 


After months of physical and social isolation, as a result of the pandemic, students may have experienced feelings of separation and loneliness. Those students who have seemingly thrived cognitively, are also likely to require some form of social and emotional support. Reconnecting with friends, re-establishing feelings of safety, belonging and connection are essential at this time. Engaging with familiar people, routines, and activities will provide a sense of safety, security and enhance coping skills.

 ‘A time of joy, movement, discovery and experimentation without fear of failure; a time when every student should enjoy comfort, safety, and socialization with peers and warm, caring adults’. 
Doyle & Sahlberg, 2020, 'Reopen schools with a ‘golden age of play’


At St Joseph’s we acknowledge that:

• It’s not ‘business as usual’- ie, we will not be back in pre-covid times

• We are re-building stamina in students and staff for a ‘normal school day’ 

• Students may be experiencing anxiety, fear and a sense of loss 

• That at home, students may have had more freedom and unstructured time. 


Our staff discussions have centred on the following:

 1. What actions can we take at a whole school and individual level to enhance students’ sense of physical & emotional safety, connection & belonging?

 2. As we are journeying with the child and family through a process of re-engagement; how do we build in flexibility to adapt and adjust daily routines and timetables? 

3. How are we able to provide reassurance to our students of their safety and comfort through predictable rhythms and familiar routines? 

4. What do we need to do to recognise and observe when students may not be travelling well – physically, mentally, socially and emotionally? 

5. For students already identified as vulnerable or ‘at risk’, what check-in strategies will we use to support them academically, socially and emotionally? 


Strong relationships will be essential to students’ academic success and wellbeing as they transition to a ‘new normal’. Now is the time to develop the personal connections that students will need to sustain them through these uncertainties ahead, both with peers and staff.  

Remember, we are all here to support each other in the coming weeks and let’s look forward to being reconnected in real life once again. We’ve missed you!


‘The 3 Vs’

Staff have become familiar with the "Three Vs" in preparation for students returning: ventilation, vaccination, and vital COVID-safe steps; it is hoped that these ‘Vs’ will slow transmission rates and reduce the risk to the broader community.

Thankfully, the state government is also investing heavily in measures to improve ventilation, which reduces the risk of COVID transmission. Thousands of air purification devices will be rolled out to all government and Catholic schools in Victoria and we are patiently waiting for several units to be delivered to us in the next couple of weeks.

I have also submitted an application to the state government for $25000 to instal shade sails at various places on our school grounds, including in our beautiful ‘mindfulness’ space in the secret garden. This will create more outdoor learning spaces and make it easier for classes to be conducted outdoors.


Points to Note:

  • The return to school dates and guidelines can be found later in this newsletter
  • Small group and individual sessions will end today for our Preps to Year 2s
  • Preps, 1s and 2s can keep their chromebooks at home when they come onsite- lookout for further information from classroom teachers about this
  • If your child is tired going from onsite to remote learning (especially our preps) please feel free to skip an online session here and there. The more rest the better!
  • Our weekly online assemblies will be scheduled for 2.15pm each Friday for the next few weeks.
  • Prep- 2 are encouraged to wear masks for indoor learning; 3-6 mandated to wear masks indoors and this will be gently encouraged- we cannot force children to wear them
  • We have a large supply of children's masks in the office for children who misplace/forget their masks and who would like a replacement
  • For the remainder of the term, we will not host Quiet Club, so to avoid mixing too many year levels in one room.
  • We will also be moving our Year 3 students back to their original downstairs classroom, as this has more ventilation options than their current classroom. I know it is one more change for our Year 3s to get used to, but we are trying to minimise risk as much as possible. I thank you in advance for your understanding and support with this.
  • Onsite attendance is still available during remote learning days  for children of essential workers, where they have to be onsite; for children classed as vulnerable; for children with a diagnosed disability who cannot learn from home
  • Permits will still be required from parents who are essential workers until we are instructed otherwise
  • The request form can be accessed here and needs to be completed as soon as possible before the new school week:

And Finally...

Look out for staff wearing their smart new facemasks, which will hopefully be arriving at school in the next week or so: 

I'd much prefer this hairstyle than my current lockdown 'do'
I'd much prefer this hairstyle than my current lockdown 'do'

Inbox delights!

Now and again teachers share student emails with me if they are noteworthy...this came to one of our teachers this week:




We look forward to seeing you all in the coming weeks- we have missed our beautiful students and cannot wait to see them soon.

Take care,
