
Wellbeing Survey

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been working on a Wellbeing Survey to get an insight into the way our kids have been feeling on an emotional level. With lockdowns going on for an extended period, it is very important for us to ensure our children are feeling safe and supported.


As I mentioned in my last Wellbeing Newsletter article, I have been exploring a survey provided by an outside organisation. I tested this survey with my students in MLC and asked one of them to provide me with some feedback about the survey. I came to the conclusion that the survey had some great questions but I was not happy with the way the survey was designed for students to answer the questions. That is, the answers were limited and provided only an ‘Agree’ or ‘Disagree’ tick box. My goal is to have a survey that allows students the opportunity to answer questions somewhere in between ‘Agree’ and ‘Disagree’ such as ‘Sometimes’. In addition, I would like part of the survey to allow students to provide written answers which will provide us with a greater understanding of their thought process.


In the coming weeks, I will be asking the students of MLC what kind of questions they would like to see on a Wellbeing survey and what checkboxes they would like to see. My goal is to create our own survey which will be used in each classroom at St. Bridget’s and then use the data to cater for the students’ social and emotional needs. 


Mr Tom Brophy

Wellbeing Leader