Message from the Principal

Student Wellbeing Day & Footy Colours Day

It was wonderful to see the children enjoying the Student Wellbeing Day that we held last Thursday. I thought it was important that the children have an opportunity to have some fun after a long and difficult Term. 


It was a fabulous day and by all reports something the children really needed. A day like this though doesn't just happened, as there was much preparation that went into the day, with some Staff working lunchtimes and weekends to ensure the day was a great success. 


The children were surprised with a Wellbeing Pack which included all the materials they needed for the day, plus a special Care Package so the children knew, we were thinking of them. These packages were beautifully presented by a team of Staff and finished off with an inspirational message for each child.

On the day, the children enjoyed decorating and planting a pot with Mrs Maher, Ms Durrant and Talia; dancing with Mr Cirillo, trivia with Mr Brophy and Gina and decorating a tile and virtual excursions with Miss Wills, Signora Michieli and Mrs Dunn. I even managed to spare some time to get in on the action. 

The children also had the opportunity to enjoy a special lunch of party pies, sausage rolls, a juice box and a Freddo.

The fun continued the following day with our Footy Colours Day. Thank you to Miss Brugliera for organising such a great day. The children dressed in their footy colours and participated in footy activities. 


Miss Brugliera also organised the day to be a fundraising event, in support of the Fight Cancer Foundation. Our school raised $730 which is an amazing amount. Thank you to everyone who donated. 


At this stage of the year, we would normally have started our Transition Program for the Preps for the following year. However, due to the current lockdown and restrictions this hasn't been possible. So to ensure our new Preps and their families know we are thinking of them, an activity pack was created for them to have some fun with over the holidays.  


While the Government's Road Map to returning to school in Term 4, wasn't what we were hoping for, at least it is a plan to getting the children back to school. Refer to my Skoolbag for further details.


I wish you all a restful break and we look forward to seeing you when we return in Term 4.


Kind regards


Robyn Thomson
