Class News 

Year 3/4B

During remote learning, the ¾ classes have had the opportunity to be creative. Using paint, drawing and even using Lego to design and build have been enjoyed by all the children.

This is one incredible example of designing and building with Lego.

A future architect, Ruby. Great job.

This term our year ¾ has been learning about ‘Day and Night’ as part of ‘Earth Sciences’. Children have begun to gain an understanding of the Earth's rotation and revolution around the Sun.

In 3/4B Ruby has created this amazing presentation explaining ‘Day and Night’. Well done Ruby!

Mrs Cathy Busch

Year 3/4C

Jessica M has been engaging in a lockdown activity, creating a sculpture made with sewing thread.

Miss Sarah Contin

Year 1

This term, our Inquiry focus is Earth and Space Science and we are learning about how Earth’s resources and the weather affect our everyday lives. To begin this unit, we investigated how the water cycle works and learnt why it rains. We did lots of experiments and we made collages, drawings, lego creations and artwork to explain the water cycle.

Miss Bridie Slater 


In Prep we have been learning about creating patterns from objects in and around our houses!


We have been making AB patterns using two different objects, ABC patterns using three different objects and even ABCD patterns with four different objects!


We have loved exploring patterns and how to create amazing designs using patterns! 

Take a look at our amazing patterns! 


Miss Holly Capomolla