Principal's News 

Teachers have a significant impact on the lives of young people and their communities, most people acknowledge they are important, yet teacher perceptions that they are underappreciated persist. 

Perceptions of Australian schooling : What matters in 2021. Monash University


I was interested to read the recent report from Monash University regarding education and particularly how schools are managing in a prolonged period of lockdown.


In these COVID times, all teachers have been stretched and have adjusted to the position of working remotely.  I know that the recent term break from school was most welcomed by everyone, children, parents and teachers, before we all  launched into Term 4 and embrace the final ten weeks.   There are many more adjustments to be made in the time ahead  and we await the updates that we receive regularly from Education and Health authorities.  Information was sent this week re the return to school and I encourage you to read the school organisation arrangements.

Over the past months our St James teachers are grateful for the support that they have received from our school families, especially in the number of lockdown periods .  Teaching is a profession that is constantly changing and it is crucial that our children at St James are engaged in a purposeful and engaging curriculum.  I have noted that the focus and structure provided has been effective with alterations made along the way. The Australian curriculum is designed to assist all young learners to become successful, confident, creative, and well-informed citizens.  Our planning day with Donna Anderson from MACs last Friday,  was another opportunity for our teachers to plan a curriculum that focuses on an Inquiry mindset of investigation and problem solving, critical and creative thinking.  This is a constant.  We are asked to be reflective in how we plan, assess and deliver the curriculum. 


In addition the findings of the Monash University nationwide Australian study into public perceptions of the teaching profession and of schooling by Monash University are interesting.


The survey findings show that parents place value on schools developing skills in students that would prepare our young people for a changing world, in particular problem solving skills and critical information literacy. Allowing the time and space for teachers to engage in a collaborative dialogue is very beneficial.


The importance of social and emotional intelligence and resilience were also recognised as important skills and traits that would support students to move confidently into an uncertain future.  The Ripple survey that we have implemented at St James greatly assists our teachers and Wellbeing team to address areas of wellbeing that can be adjusted.  Ripple gives us an insight into what may be affecting our children's learning ability which helps us to provide the right support to get the kids back on track.

We are all looking forward to our children returning.  Not long now.


Remember in your prayers.

In recent weeks two of our school families have lost loved ones.  We pray for Eloise and Marcus Baldwin and family.  Eloise’s parents have died within two months of each other.

We also pray for Connie and Blair Sands.  Connie’s Mum passed away in recent days.  Please pray for both families.


School Adjustments

Some adjustments have already been made for Term 4, notably the Year ¾ camp which has been cancelled, the Athletic sports, changes to Confirmation, an altered Year 6 Graduation and Prep transition. We will endeavour to keep you updated and our response to the Health and Educational authorities.



With the return to school some families may not have the correct sized summer uniform.  In the first few weeks of the term, dress the children in whatever school uniform is fit and is comfortable, until you can purchase from Nicholls.


COVID Safety Reminders

As the process of returning to school commences on Monday 18th October, we ask everyone in our community to monitor for symptoms, such as fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath and get testedif any symptoms appear and do not attend school.  We ask that students remain at home if a household member is suspected of COVID - 19 until they receive a negative result.


Faith in our Future

