Year 3 Term Overview

What an incredible Term 3 we had!


Welcome back to another term of exciting learning at DCC.

We would like to commend all students in Grade 3 for completing Remote Learning in Term 3. We are so proud of you! We look forward to continuing celebrating success throughout Term 4. We appreciate all the support from parents and carers. We cannot wait to see all the Grade 3 students on the 26th October. 


Term 4 Learning: 

In Reading, students will continue to develop the ability to identify the genre based on its text type, structure and features using words, phrases and visuals. They will explore how authors use word choice and use the descriptive language to visualise. They will also explore how authors use voice and language devices such as alliteration and similes in mentor texts and determine the purpose of the text. Students will continue to use clues in the text to make inferences using and building upon their own experiences. They will use strategies to monitor for meaning and use clues in the text, as well as dictionaries to clarify unknown words. 


In Writing, the students will be exploring descriptions, poetry- Haiku poems and explanation texts. Throughout the term students will have multiple exposures using 6 + 1  writing traits such as word choice and voice and explore the structure and features of the text type. They will explore the author’s craft in mentor texts and innovate on the text to further enhance their writing. They will also reread and edit texts for meaning, descriptive words and appropriate structure, grammatical choices and punctuation.

In Numeracy, students will continue exploring Multiplicative thinking and will continue to use strategies in order to recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and their related division facts. Students will also explore and explain commutativity through an array, area and region model. Students will also continue learning about ‘Additive Thinking and Financial Math’ and understand the connection between addition and subtraction. They will continue to represent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions to the nearest five cents. Students will learn about naming, drawing and modelling halves, quarters, thirds and fifths and how to represent these in multiple parts. They will apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least 10,000 to assist calculations and solve problems. In addition, students will apply their knowledge of the concepts taught throughout the term and apply it in problem solving. During problem solving, students will have the opportunity to use a range of appropriate problem solving strategies and equipment to problem solve. 

This term our Social and Emotional Learning will focus on ‘Friendship: Getting Along with Others’ and problem-solving. Students will use strategies to resolve issues and develop a sense of empathy towards others.

Within Inquiry, we will be looking at the different factors that affect the local environment. We will investigate what resources can be reused and what resources are biodegradable. In Health, we will explore what it means to be healthy, safe and active. 


General Reminders:

  • When we return to onsite learning. Please ensure that your child is at school and ready to learn at 8:40am
  • Please also ensure your child wears a face mask at school.
  • Please ensure that you check and log into Compass and Seesaw regularly, as these will be the main portals that we (the teachers) will communicate information with you on. Compass is also the place where you will be able to access your child’s goals and achievements, these will be released every three weeks and will tell you what your child has achieved in Reading, Writing, Numeracy and Inquiry/Social, as well as their next steps (goals). 
  • Homework this term:
  • Reading: Every night for a minimum of 30 mins, with 1-2 follow up questions relating to the book.
  • SMART SPELLING: Students will have spelling words each week that they will need to practise, relating to the ‘spelling choice’ we are focussing on that week in class.
  • Homework Matrix: There are 30 activities, these will be sent out each month, ideally students are to pick one activity each night and complete it.

Excellence Hub:

 Watch Reading teaching video on Seesaw that explicitly teaches your child’s reading goal and practise it with your take home reading book.