Student News

Learn what opportunities our students have been taking on

ICAS Maths Competition

Best of luck to all the SMJ Horsham and St Brigid's students who sat the ICAS Maths competition last week!









Food Technology

Need some inspo for dinner tonight? Check out some of the delicious risotto that our Year 8 and 9 students have cooked in Food Tech with Mrs Chaplin 

Who's now hungry? 

Christmas Pantomime

Congratulations to the following students who have parts in the upcoming community production - a steam-punk-style Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs which will be performed in Horsham throughout December.  St Brigid's College cast members - Nate Curran, Scarlett Munday-Terry, Bailey Eder, Isaac Arnold and Bethany Arnup.

Dr Delany Awards

Charlie Kuhn, Year 9  - for getting in and helping clean up the science lab without being asked.

Jett Wilson, Year 7  - for achieving 100% accuracy on all his Maths Pathway tests this term.

Hollianne Hallam, Year 7 - for her excellent practical skills in science and support for others during practical activities.


Left to right - Charlie, Jett and Hollianne