Student Services : Wellbeing 

Wear it Purple Day- What a Success

Last Friday the staff and students of NHS were wearing a splash of purple to raise awareness and foster supportive and inclusive environments for LGBTQIA+ young people. There was a badge making event and a bake sale at lunch time- which raised over $450for the not-for-profit organisation ‘Wear it Purple’. Thank you to the staff and students who assisted with the planning and running of the event- what a success!



Tuning in to Teens- Wrap Up

Thank you to the parents who participated in the first course of Tuning in to Teens at Northcote High School. The program was held on Thursday evenings for the first 6 weeks of the term and facilitated by our wellbeing staff- Megan and Tess. We really enjoyed being able to provide this program to the families of NHS and look forward to offering this again soon. Please keep an eye out for more information next term.


Next Thursday 8 September, is R U OK? Day. This is a day to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those who may be struggling. 


There will be a range of activities throughout the day, which will be advertised later this week. You can read more about how to start the R U OK? conversation here-  or have a look at the poster below. If you need support or are worried about a friend, please see the student wellbeing staff in M11.


External Online Parent Webinars

There are some fantastic organisations offering FREE parenting webinars, see below for more information.