Parent Teacher Student Conferences (PTSC) : Important Update

Bookings open until Friday 2 September
Some key reminders regarding our upcoming Parent Teacher Student Conversations.
Our Term 3 Parent Teacher Student Conferences will be conducted via phone on:
- Wednesday 7 September, 10.30am-7.30pm
- Friday 16 August, 9.00am-2.30pm
Via Compass. Open 9am, Monday 22nd August and close 4pm, Friday 2nd September.
What you need to know
- There will be no classes on those days. Students should continue with existing tasks and are encouraged to participate in the conversations, just as they would when we run them face-to-face.
- Teachers will not be available to answer emails/other communications on those days, as they will be occupied with the PTSC.
- The day before PTSC there will be a Compass newsfeed listing any staff who are away and cannot make their PTSC.
How will they work?
- The PTSC will be conducted by phone.
- Teachers will call the parent who made the booking (using the phone number we have on Compass) at the booked time. If you need staff to contact a different number/contact please email teachers via Compass with the relevant information.
- The call will come from an unlisted (private) number: please pick up!
- If there is no answer, the teacher will wait 1 minute, then try once more. They will not leave a call back number. If an appointment is missed, you may need to email the teacher at a later date to request feedback.
- Students should participate - please put your phone on 'speaker' mode to enable this.
Supporting keeping to time
As appointments run back to back, it is important that the conversations keep to time. To help this each conversation will last 7 minutes. Teachers will let you know that they are setting an audible alarm at the start of the conversation. When it goes off, this is the signal that the allotted time is up. The teacher will then need to finish the call so that they can move to their next appointment. Please be understanding of this and support our teachers in keeping appointments running smoothly. If a longer conversation is necessary following the appointment, please ask the teacher if you can arrange another time outside of PTSC to speak.