College Events 

Father's Day Breakfast

Clayfield College invites Fathers or Father figures (from Pre-Prep to Year 12) to a special breakfast.


Date:                     Thursday 1 September

Time:                     7:00 am to 8:00 am

Location:              Clayfield College Tuckshop Courtyard

Cost:                      $20 Adults and $15 Students

RSVP:                    8am Monday 29 August 2022

P&F Trivia Night

Clayfield College P&F invites you to the Annual Trivia Night.


Race through the decades – Dress up as anything from your favourite decade. BYO food and table decorations. Drinks are available to purchase on the night.


Date: Saturday 10 September

Location: Clayfield College Assembly Hall

Time: 6:30 pm to 9:45 pm

Cost: $ 25 per person (tables of 10)

RSVP by Thursday 8 September




Clayfield College P&F Raffle

The Clayfield College P&F is running the annual raffle, this year, you could win Clayfield College Tuition Fees for 2023 (up to the value of $ 22,000) or if you’re not wanting tuition paid for, you could win $ 15,000 in cash.


Tickets close 11 November 2022.


Book tickets now using the button below