Resource Centre

Dreaming With Eyes Open - this was the theme for this year’s Book Week Celebrations. Indeed, the experiences of the events throughout the week brought immense success, joy, and fulfillment for everyone. 


The week of activities commenced with a marvelous medley of madness on Monday morning, with the costume parade for Year 7 and 8. My goodness, who didn't we see? We were blown away by the costumes and it was amazing to witness the enthusiasm from young people for the first celebration of Book Week after the last few years of remote learning. Everyone outdid themselves with imaginative, bookish, and wonderful character costumes and the teachers! Words are not enough! It was an outstanding effort from all.


On Tuesday, the Year 9 and 10 community celebrated Book Week by attending a session with Scott Darlow. Scott is an indigenous activist and World Vision spokesperson – speaking about culture, history, racial tolerance, harmony, and social matters. A Yorta Yorta descendent, Scott is also well known in the music industry as a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and didgeridoo player. We certainly hope that students came away from the presentation with some new perspectives on First Nations Peoples, their culture, traditions, and history. We express great appreciation for Ruby Pearce from Year 8, who has First Nation’s Ancestry, and read out loud the Acknowledgement to Country. 


On Wednesday, the College was fortunate enough to have engaging author and illustrator Nicki Greenberg speak to Year 7's about the exciting journey of writing and illustrating her books. There were so many insightful and thought provoking questions from our curious Year 7 people. The Library Leaders experienced a workshop with Nicki where creativity and imaginations flowed onto paper. Both sessions fostered a sense of excitement about reading, writing and creativity.


Other entertaining and engaging activities that took place throughout the enthralling week were the Guess the Teacher Reading Competition, Who Wants to be a Millionaire Quiz and a Manga Drawing Competition. With so many diverse activities, everyone had the opportunity to find joy in the beauty of books. 


 Although this year’s Book Week Theme was Dreaming with Eyes Open, by the end of week, the Resource Centre Team was ready for dreaming with their eyes closed. Despite the fast paced week packed full of activities and immersion into the world of words, it was marvelous to witness the joy on the faces of young people and members of the Marian College Community. 



The Manga Drawing Competition 2022


Another fantastic effort from all the students and staff for this year’s Manga Drawing Competition. We have had over 45 entries which is a new record for this school-wide competition. This year’s winners are the following: 


Huge Congratulations to : 


Caitlyn Podolczak of 8 Doyle - Junior Hand Drawn Winner

Jolyne Tran of 9 Theresa - Intermediate Hand Drawn Winner

Kylie Tran of 12 Flynn - Senior Hand Drawn Winner

Nethra Rambukkana of 7 Ireland - Junior Digital Winner

Princess Canapi of 10 Miriam - Intermediate Digital Winner

Cassandra Chen of 12 Dunlop - Senior Digital Winner

We were all blown away by all the talented students that we have at Marian and we hope you all enjoyed it as well!


Csilla Schild

Resource Centre