School Netball Championships - Year 5/6

On Wednesday, a group of nine enthusiastic 5/6 students travelled to Melbourne with their families to participate in the School Netball Championships as a mixed team. We played five games on the day with a win on the board against Fitzroy Primary School 6-4. 


The students took on the challenges of the day and persevered against teams that were very good. They should be congratulated on how well they represented our school and proud of their efforts. We had more players that had never played competitive netball than those that had in our team however, this did not stop our students having a go. Lexi, Holly, Talia and Fletcher were great mentors throughout the day and were able to apply their strengths; shooting goals, defending and causing turnovers with interceptions. Ctayah, Mae, Tilly, Hughie and Addison played in various positions throughout the day and always had a positive can do attitude; "Hands up!" and "Get in front" were strong goals for the day. Well done team!


A big thank you to families for transporting the students, being their cheer squad and scoring the games. Another thank you to our coaches Tammy and Mrs Brabham.