Notes from the Office

Pie Lunch Day

An order from has been sent home today for a pie treat day on Thursday 15th September. Please send the completed order form in with money to school.


MARC Van - missing books

Could all families who received a note to say their child is missing a MARC Van library book please have a look at home and return them as soon as possible.  If these books are not returned you will be sent a $15.00 account for the replacement.


Senior Camp charges

After the recent Parents Club meeting, they have kindly passed a motion to subsidise the cost for the bus transportation and some of the Sovereign Hill fees.  We thank all the parents who have contributed to raising funds to help out families with this cost.  Mrs Brabham and I will confirm costings next week and a note will be sent home.


Have a good weekend





School's details:-

PO Box 28, Cavendish Vic 3314

Phone:  03 5574 2282



Facebook page:  Cavendish Primary School


School Bank Account:-

BSB 033625

Acc No. 293940

Name: Cavendish Primary School 116

 - Our BPAY function is now up and running also


Cavendish Primary School would like to thank the businesses that support them:-

Bunyip Hotel

Tops 'n' Tails

Coates Electrical

Bridge Cafe

Cavendish Community Service

Cavendish Lions Club

Nutrien Ag Solutions


Dunkeld & District Community Bank


Quinns Sportspower