Principal's Notes

Dear families and friends, 



Happy Father’s Day to all our amazing Dads in our lives, some may be here with us to celebrate, some may be far away and some sadly no longer with us. So please enjoy your special day with your families on Sunday.  

Happy Father’s day! Happy Fathers day!


A huge CONGRATUALTIONS to everyone involved in the Cavendish Football Netball club on winning the senior premiership in Football last Saturday at Heywood. We are very proud of our small community and their amazing efforts. The 13&U netballers really put in 100% on the day too but came up against a very talented team against Dartmoor. 


School Netball Championships 

Our senior netballers have proudly represented our school at the School Netball Championships in Melbourne on Wednesday. Mrs Brabham and Tammy have trained the students at lunch times and after school in readiness for the big day. Special thanks must go to all the families for their time and effort in taking their children all the way to Melbourne and allowing them this opportunity to play at the State Netball Hockey Centre. 


Miss Purnell's visit

On Tuesday, we had Miss Purnell visit us to share her latest draft on her new picture story book that she is currently writing. Her love of literature and passion for writing always inspires our own students in creating their stories. We look forward to hearing the final draft and seeing if any of the students feedback and ideas have changed the story. Also, as most parents and families are aware Miss Purnell will return to Cavendish in 2023 to resume her teaching duties after her sabbatical leave. 



The UV levels are starting to rise and the students need to have their school hats for outside play from the beginning of next week please. We have new hats for sale at the office if your child is needing a replacement. 


Student-free day 

Just a reminder that next Friday 9th September will be a student free day.  No students are required at school this day.  Staff will undergo a required Professional Development on this day.


Thank you

Thank you for Claire Quinn for all her time and effort she has been putting into the school gardens and Environment Centre.  It is much appreciated Claire.  The Foundation garden will look amazing once completed!


Thank you to Alan Cordy for the lend of his bag trolley to help us lift out items in readiness for the carpet installation in the music room.


Coming up later in the term are our Footy Colours Day and treat lunch on Thursday 15th September. There will be a separate note with the ordering information sent home today. 


Have a lovely weekend.

Lisa Ferrier