Kitchen Garden 

We've been celebrating


 in the Kitchen and the Garden. 


During the past 2 weeks the children from Prep to 4 have been talking about "football finals fever" and the foods that we would traditionally celebrate with at the big game or at other gatherings to celebrate the finals time. 


Itś obvious that the menu had to include meat pies! So our menu was all about Mini Meat Pies and Herb Polenta Chips. 

We made the pastry from scratch and then rolled the pastry out , cooked the meat filling and assembled the pies together. We managed to use some silverbeet and celery from the garden in our pies. 


Alongside the party pies we had chips , but they were not any ordinary chips they were polenta chips packed with herbs and were super tasty!

Polenta is a grain made from corn that we mix with stock, herbs from the garden, water, butter and parmesan. Once cooked, it sets in the fridge before cutting into chips and baking it in the oven. 



They were delicious and the children really love them. It was a great alternative to potato chips.

YEAR 5&6

This week the Grade 5/6 groups cooked a traditional meal that would be eaten on the gold fields during the Gold Rush. We used beef instead of mutton and made a stew with damper and some jam tarts to follow.  It was a great was for the students to think about the lack of fresh foods that were available and consider why so many people got sick during that time. 


I am really looking forward to the weather warming up so we can start seeing some spring/summer vegetables growing in the garden. 


The Kitchen was a very busy place on Monday when we celebrated Grandparents Day." Mrs K. and muyself made over 200 scones so the grandparents could enjoy a lovely devonshire tea for morning tea. There were so many compliments on the scones so we included the recipe here incaase you wanted to make it at home. We hope you enjoyed Grandparents Day?




On a final note, I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday.  Stay safe and see you in Term 4!



Mrs Slattery





   GARDEN NEWS - Week 10

Spring has arrived and the garden is coming to life again, that means lots of Bees  buzzing around visiting our flowers. Its been a perfect time to talk and learn all about Bees and Pollination. Our Year3/4's enjoyed a Bee talk from our guest speaker Bec who shared her experiences of bee keeping and how important bees are to our food production.

We can help our bees to flourish in our gardens by avoiding the use of harmful chemicals used in pesticides and fertilisers. Our 5/6's have been making and using organic herbicides &  fertilisers in our garden.  Worm wee (worm tea) makes a great plant fertiliser. Which we used on our spring veggies.

We also made our own Bee friendly Garden Pest Control using cooking oil, baking powder & dish washing liquid. 


Natural Garden Pesticide Recipe.

It s also been an exciting time for our new Prep chickens who have been introduced to our older chooks, so far all the hens are finding their place in their new home.

Pruning and taking care of Galaxy  and Mystery have also been on our activiy list. 


Wishing you all a great spring break and sunny days  to get into your gardens.


Enjoy seeing lots of buzzing bees , Happy Gardening.

