Secondary School News

Secondary students at the Anglicare School Sleepout at Optus Stadium. 

From the Dean of Pastoral Care, Kylie Virgo 

House Breakfasts

The smell of cooking sausages permeated the Secondary space last week as some of our Houses enjoyed a barbeque breakfast. In a year where mixing year groups has been difficult it was a great way for the Houses to come together. 


Inter-House Debating

The Inter-House Debating Final was held this week. The debate topic was ‘The book is better than the film’. The affirmative team was Ramsden going up against the Hale on the negative. It was a high quality debate watched by an enthusiastic audience. In a close contest Hale was the eventual winner. Well done to all students who competed in this year’s competition and to Hale for being the back to back winners! 


Inter-House Athletics 

The weather was certainly on our side this year for the running of the Inter-House Athletics Carnival on Tuesday. Before the athletics began the race to don a costume was in full force. The House bays suddenly replicated a film set with superheros, minions, Mike Wazowski’s and creatures from under the sea filling the space. 

It was great to see students supporting their House and participating in the events. 

We look forward to announcing the winning House and Age Champion winners in the coming weeks. 


Congratulations to the students who participated in the Anglicare School Sleep Out last fortnight. Team JWACS exceeded our fundraising goal and our community raised a huge $6100 to support Anglicare WA's youth homelessness service, Street Connect. A fantastic effort from all. 


Kylie Virgo 

Dean of Pastoral Care

From the Dean of Teaching and Learning, Kathy Paul

Book Week 2022 – Dreaming With Eyes Open

The English Department this year celebrated Book Week 2022 and its theme ‘Dreaming with Eyes Open’ with an author visit, classroom activities, visual displays and a “Guess the Teacher’s Favourite Book” competition.


Susan Midalia, author of three collections of short stories which have been shortlisted for various prestigious literary awards, mentored our Year 11 and 12 ATAR English students early in the week on how to produce ‘flash fiction’. Susan instructed students on how to write their own short, short fiction narratives and also develop an understanding that an engaging story does not have to have to use many words. All this advice will be invaluable as students work on producing their own compositions for pleasure and in their examinations. It was great to hear the range of interesting ‘voices’ of characters in the students’ contributions.  


The ‘’Guess the Teacher’s Favourite Book” Competition this year involved the Science, Technology, Arts and Library Resource Centre secondary teaching staff. Our teachers enthusiastically offered up their favourite books from childhood and adulthood explaining why these books were either an inspiration or a fascination for them growing up. Their submissions kept the students guessing during the week. The big reveal will occur in Week 6 where the winner of the book prize will be announced in Student Notices.


The ‘Dreaming with Eyes’ open collage in The Commons that weaved its way from the bottom of the stairs to the top began as an interdisciplinary display incorporating the Fibonacci sequence from Maths Week in the tails of the numbats from John Marsden and Shaun Tan’s The Rabbits picture book morphed into a display of feathers and leaves which are significant symbols contained in the studied novels in Year 8 and 9 this term, David Almond’s Skellig and Patrick Ness’ A Monster Calls. 


In classrooms, students designed book tags for their favourite novels, produced Book Week conversations that emphasised the importance of celebrating this significant event in the School’s calendar and also engaged in virtual writing workshops using the LittleScribe Writing Festival platform. Some emerging writers are in our midst who are enthusiastic about engaging in the creative writing process beyond the classroom.

To end the week, all Commons teaching staff were invited to a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party of scones, cupcakes and tea to celebrate the finale of a successful Book Week in English in 2022. 


Thank you very much to the Head of English, Irene Terpon and to the English Department for the terrific activities held during the week to instil in our students a love and enthusiasm for reading. Thanks also to the Library Resources Centre staff including the Head of Library Services, Sharon Hanson for their work to run activities and displays for Book Week to celebrate bringing children and books together.


Maths Week

Last week we celebrated everything ‘Maths’ at John Wollaston. Secondary students were involved in a range of activities and competitions during the week, often not realising they were actually learning important Maths in the process.


The “Places of Pi” competition was won convincingly by Year 8 student Douglas Mann. He was able to recite 110 places of Pi almost breaking the School record.


Students were also encouraged to write a Maths themed song to the tune of their favourite song. We received terrific entries from students across the Secondary school and a special mention must go to our Business Manager, Derek Heatherly, for his entertaining entry. Congratulations to Charlotte Adam and Zoe Spreckley in Year 12 who won the competition with their song, written to the tune of “Summer Nights” – as a special tribute to Olivia Newton John. 


In addition, the Year 12 Maths Methods class created and hosted probability games during lunch. Students were able to test the fairness of games, playing with virtual money. Congratulations to Beau Martin in Year 8 who won the competition after finishing with the most profit.


Maths classes participated in competitions, games and activities with enthusiasm during lesson time throughout the week. The friendly competitive spirit shown in aiming for the highest score in Strike and to make the longest Minties wrapper were amongst the highlights.


Thank you very much to the Mathematics Department and the Head of Mathematics, Wendy Surgeson for their work to celebrate Maths in an interactive, practical and fun way for our students.



During Term 3, Week 6 we commence the second round of OLNA (Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment) tests for 2022. Parents will be contacted via SEQTA if their child is required to sit the literacy or numeracy online tests at the School. Students who are required to sit the tests will be provided with additional support. The OLNA tests are scheduled for the following dates on the School Calendar:

  • OLNA Writing test - Monday 29 August
  • OLNA Reading test - Tuesday 30 August
  • OLNA Numeracy test – Wednesday 31 August.

ATAR 2022

The 2022 Year 12 ATAR course written and practical examination timetables can now be accessed via the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) website:

The 2022 Year 12 ATAR course written examinations are scheduled from Monday 31 October to Friday 18 November 2022. In addition, all Year 12 students enrolled in ATAR course examinations are required to complete the online Student Declaration and Permission details prior to Thursday 8 September 2022. Please check your SEQTA Direqt messages for further information regarding Year 12 ATAR Student Declaration and Permission details.


Kathy Paul 

Dean of Teaching and Learning

October Revision Courses for 2022 - Enrolments Open

ATAR Revision Courses for Years 11 & 12

Academic Task Force ATAR subject revision courses will help students revise and prepare for exams, to maximise their exam performance and grades. We offer 10-hour ATAR Revision courses (2 hours a day, over 5 days) in most ATAR subjects plus Essay Writing and Study Skills courses. 

Available Weeks 1 & 2 of the October school holidays at Churchlands SHS, Rossmoyne SHS, Duncraig SHS and Online. Email: Call 9314 9500 

Enrol Online:


Skills Development Courses for Years 7 - 10

Academic Task Force small group Skills Development courses will help boost your child’s confidence and improve their marks. 6-hour subject courses available (3 hours a day, over 2 days) in Maths, English, Essay Writing and Learning Skills. Email: Call 9314 9500 

Available Week 1 the October School holidays at Rossmoyne SHS.

Enrol Online:


ATAR Enrichment Courses at UWA for Year 12

Academic Associates offers premium ATAR enrichment Courses exclusively for Year 12 students wanting to achieve a top ATAR and receive advanced insight into their ATAR courses10-hour ATAR Enrichment and Exam Preparation Courses (2 hours a day, over 5 days) in most ATAR subjects.

Available Week 1 the October School holidaysat the University of Western Australia (UWA). Email: Call 9314 9500 

Enrol Online: 


Term 3 & 4 Exam Preparation Courses - ­Enrolments Open

Exam Boost Workshops for Year 11 & 12

Academic Task Force is providing one day, 6-hour workshops for year 11 & 12 students. Each workshop packs in intensive exam-focused teaching from a qualified WACE exam marker and tips and strategies to boost exam performance. Students will receive personal feedback on how to improve their exam responses to help student’s boost their marks.

Available on Saturdays and Sundays during Term 3 & 4 at Churchlands SHS, Rossmoyne SHS, Perth Modern and Online.  Email: Call 9314 9500 

Enrol Online:

From around the Secondary School

Year 7 students playing Maths games for Maths Week

Year 9 cooking pasta with their own sauce recipes 

Year 8 students engaging in Maths Week puzzles 

Pizza party in Hale 10

Chalk Cafe

Secondary Chapel 

Secondary Inter-House Athletics Carnival 

Guest Author Susan Midalia presenting a creative writing workshop

Year 12 Geography in the CBD

Inter-House Debate 

Book Week in Secondary