From the Principal

From the Principal, Anne Ford

Today has concluded a most enjoyable Book Week, one of the most important weeks on the School Calendar. For the second year, the whole school celebrated literature and the joy of reading. Congratulations and thank you to all involved.


Throughout the week it was pleasing to see many students browsing the Library shelves, listening to the lunchtime celebrity readers, participating in the quizzes and guessing the teachers' favourite books. There was not a Kindle in sight!


The celebrations culminated this morning with a virtual Primary Book Week Assembly. As has become tradition, staff and students entered into the spirit of the day reprising classical, modern, famous and infamous storybook characters from a variety of genres. Colourful costumes, accessories and props were on display, thanks to many ingenious Mums and Dads! I was delighted to be invited to be the celebrity reader for the assembly. I chose to read Possum Magic by Mem Fox, a favourite Australian story for children.    

To conclude the Book Week roster of lunchtime readers in the Library, I read The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister a modern classic with a universal message about a beautiful fish who learns to make friends by sharing his most prized possessions, his scales. I look forward to another successful Book Week in 2023.


Strategic planning day

Members of School Council, Executive and the Chaplain participated in a planning workshop facilitated by consultant Chris Green on Saturday 20 August to discuss key themes and ideas that will form the basis of the School's direction for the next four years. It was a productive session which built upon the initial consultation phase with parents, staff and students via survey. In the coming weeks, Chris will write a draft planning document for further consideration and feedback. Barring unforeseen circumstances, we are on track to deliver the Strategic Plan 2023-2026 in Term 1 2023.


Wollaston Care

Wollaston Care, which provides nourishing, homecooked meals to School families who are in crisis or experiencing  very challenging circumstances, has been actioned on several occasions this year. Without exception, families have been grateful for the support of the School in this way. Mrs Wendy Brinner who in addition to her role as Food Technology Assistant, is Coordinator of Wollaston Care, can be contacted through the School. Alternatively you are welcome to contact me. There is no charge to families for this service and discretion is assured.


Enrolments for 2023

It is wonderful for the School that there continues to be strong interest in all year levels for 2023 and beyond. Next year from Pre- Kindergarten to Year 8 there are wait lists for most years. Year 7 2024 is also full with a wait list and places in other year levels are filling rapidly.


Should you be planning to enrol a sibling for next year, I urge you not to delay making application. This can be done through Enrol HQ on our website. Please also inform your friends if they are considering John Wollaston for their children's education.


Some families are choosing to enrol their child earlier than originally planned to secure a place at the School. This avoids the bottle neck of Year 7 and also enables a valuable period of settling in to the new environment and making friends before transitioning to the Secondary years. Should you wish to discuss any matter  pertaining to enrolments, please do not hesitate to contact the Registrar Evie Dodge.


In the event that you need to withdraw your child from John Wollaston at the end of the year, please be reminded that School policy requires a term's notice in writing to the Principal. Thank you to those families who have already informed me of their changed circumstances for 2023. Providing early notice to the School will free up a place for a child on the wait list and assist our planning moving forward.


Best wishes for the remainder of the term.


Anne Ford
