Book Week

We will be celebrating book week at SCSC the last week of Term 12th-16th September. 


There will be activities and competitions running during the week. If you fancy yourself as a writer, start working on your entries for a Short Story Writing Competition taking place that week.  We are also taking photo entries for "Where do you read?" Photo competition. Is it your favourite hammock, a comfy chair by a fire, the beach. Get creative and send them in!


There will also be a book-themed trivia in the library at lunchtime on the Thursday and then we will finish the week off with Book Week Dress Up Day on Friday 16th.  There will be prizes up for grabs for the dress ups as well.

CBCA Book of the Year Announcement

The Children’s Book Council of Australia has announced the Winning and Honours Authors, Illustrators and Publishers for 2022.  We take particular notice in the older and younger readers categories that cover all secondary school ages of readers. You can find all the winners in each category here 


Let me introduce you to the book of the year in the older readers category for 2022:


 Tiger Daughter, by Rebecca Lim


“What I feel most days is that nothing is ever going to change. That my life won’t even start, and that I’ll be stuck like this forever.”


Wen Zhou is the only child of Chinese immigrants whose move to the lucky country has proven to be not so lucky. Wen and her friend Henry Xiao - whose mum and dad are also struggling immigrants - both dream of escape from their unhappy circumstances, and form a plan to sit an entrances exam to a selective high school far from home. But when tragedy strikes, it will take all of Wen’s resilience and resourcefulness to get herself and Henry through the storm that follows.


The book of the year for the younger readers category is:

A Glasshouse of Stars, by Shirley Marr


Meixing Lim and her family have arrived at the New House in the New Land. Everything is vast and unknown to Meixing - including the house she names Big Scary. She is embarrassed by her second-hand shoes, has trouble understanding the language at school, and is finding it hard to make friends. Meixing’s only solace is a glasshouse in the garden, which inexplicably holds the sun and the moon and the secrets of her memory and imagination.


When her fragile universe is rocked by tragedy, it will take all of Meixing’s bravery to find her place of belonging in this new world.

Both of these books can be found in the library.

Older Readers Honours:

Younger Readers Honours:


New Books in the Library

Lots of new books are arriving in the library.  Make sure you check out the spinning display unit in the main entrance for something new.

Premiers Reading Challenge

You still have until the 2nd September to upload your books in your profile, you can upload any books you have read since March this year.

To read the Premier’s letter to parents, view the booklist and for more information about the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge, CLICK HERE.