From the Principal
Mr Jon Franzin
From the Principal
Mr Jon Franzin
Pictured above: Year 11&12 Centre building works, as at August 18 2022
Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Friends of St Virgil’s,
This week we celebrate Catholic Education Week, an opportunity to celebrate the strengths and achievements of the states 38 Catholic schools of which St Virgil’s College is apart. The theme this year is ‘Proclaim with Joy’ which reflects the mission to uphold our Catholic ideals and to provide an education that engages our students and staff in rejoicing the good that happens in their lives.
As part of these celebrations, Mrs Jo Messer, student representatives and myself attended the Catholic Education Week Mass held at Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Bellerive. St Virgil’s College also hosted the Catholic Education Commission Tasmania Recognition Awards. This was a wonderful celebration of the contribution that many staff have made to the Catholic Education over many years.
Over the last couple of weeks, the College commenced the subject selection process for students entering Year 11 in 2023. Parents and carers will receive confirmation of these discussions on the coming days and proposed subjects selected for 2023.
I encourage all students to set high expectations for themselves when it comes to their application to their studies and their aspirations for senior secondary education. The road to success is not short, it usually requires hours of hard work, commitment, perseverance, and determination. Through hard work and dedication students learn to be resilient and develop a better work ethic which will hold them in good stead when they enter the work force. In my career I have found a strong correlation between students who are regularly involved in a broad range of cocurricular activities and high academic achievement. Students who immerse themselves in the broad range of activities on offer at the College develop attributes such as commitment, perseverance, determination, courage and dedication early and are often able to apply them to their academic studies. These attributes are required by all students if they are to achieve success with their studies and ultimately their careers.
I thank Mary-Jane Anders, Head of Administration; Mr James Dalton, Careers Advisor and the Heads of House for their coordination of this process and the fruitful discussions that took place with students to assist in determining subjects and career pathways for students.
Year 8s and 9s will also commence subject selections when families, students and staff gather in the JPC on Tuesday August 30 at 6.00 pm. I encourage all to attend this important evening where the subject selection process will be discussed, career and university pathways explored and an opportunity for students and parents to engage with Heads of Departments to learn more about subject offerings in Years 9 & 10 in 2023. I look forward to seeing you on the night.
HR Manager
I am pleased to announce that Mrs Robyn Michael has been appointed to the position of HR Manager. Robyn has years of experience in HR having recently held the position of HR Business Partner at Corumbene Care for the Aged. She has also held positions at Derwent Valley Council, Metropolitan Fire Brigade, and Senior HR Advisor for the Australian Skills & Quality Agency. Robyn commenced this week, and we look forward to her making a positive contribution to our college community. Please make Robyn feel welcome.
I am saddened to report that our very much loved Preparatory Teacher, Mrs Anne-Marie McLennan will be leaving us at the end of the year to return to Brisbane with her family. Mrs McLennan has made an extraordinary difference since commencing in the role at the beginning of Term 2 and I know that she will be greatly missed. As such, I will be advertising shortly for her replacement.
Finally, Daniel Firth has informed me of his intention to resign from his position of Learning Support Officer – Outdoor Education at the College. Daniel will conclude his role at the end of October, and we wish him all the very best in the future.
Best wishes for the week ahead.
Jon Franzin