Mission and Identity
Year 12 Retreats
Last week was a significant week for our Year 12 Class of 2022. Our Retreat program was able to return to its usual schedule following two years of interruptions. The young men were able to travel and participate in a residential experience where time was provided to consider the relationships in their lives, including with their peers, family and with God. Across the three venues of Mulgoa, Wamberal and Tallows Beach, the students completed activities and had time to reflect upon their experience at St Pius X College, considering the values that have been instilled in them, both through the formal and informal curriculum. Thanks to the efforts of staff who gave up their time, Year 12 engaged in a chance to consider where their future lies in relation to the many relationships that they have. We were fortunate also to have the support of the clergy from OLD Parish, who assisted, ensuring that Eucharistic celebrations could take place where appropriate.
The students have returned to their classes for the final weeks before graduation, but each have noted that their retreat experience was a positive time that they will fondly remember in years to come.
Mr Nathan Mulheron - Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity