Prep Puppet Making 

As part of our MAPPEN unit 'Topsy Turvy Tales' our Prep students were involved in a puppet show and puppet making incursion. The 'Don't Move Puppet Theatre' came to visit our Preps. They were engaged in two fun and interactive sessions. In the first session they watched a Puppet show about a cheeky little boy called Jason. After the show the children were shown 'behind the scenes'. They learnt about how the show was put together and about the portable puppet theatre. We were so impressed by their level of interest and enagagement. The next day the children made their own puppets out of foam and other craft materials. To say the level of excitement was high is an understatement!

The students are now making their own scenery so that they can perfom their own puppet shows in our brand new puppet theatre. 

What a fabulous effort from our youngest school members!!


Their work was so outstanding that they made it onto the 'Don't Move Puppet Theatre' Webpage ...


Yesterday the Foundation students at Doncaster Primary School were excited to see our show “The Wizard’s Tale” and got squirted by a naughty puppet called Jason. Today we followed it up with two puppet making workshops. The children used their imaginations well and developed some super puppets for their age. Here is just a small selection from today. Wednesday 31st August & Thursday 1st September  2022.


Some of the wonderful puppets made by our Preps.
Some of the wonderful puppets made by our Preps.