Assistant Principal's Report

Student Voice Team
Last week, the Student Voice Team had some special visitors join them during their meeting. Kieran and Damien from the Buildings and Grounds Committee, came to ask the students for ideas of what could be incorporated into the space when the old asphalt area is upgraded as part of the school’s Masterplan.
Over the past few years, students from across the school have shared their suggestions for new playground ideas through their classroom Student Voice Team member. The Student Voice Team have played a big role in several new additions to our outdoor spaces including the new drinking tap near the oval, more rubbish bins outside, and more student-led lunchtime clubs. Student Voice Team members were very excited to be able to share their redevelopment ideas with the Buildings and Grounds Committee members.
Students were taken on a tour of the area to be upgraded, then Kieran and Damien invited the students to draw or write their ideas on paper. Once they had all put their ideas down on paper, students were given three stickers, which they placed on their three favourite ideas. The ideas with the most stickers will be taken to the next Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting and included in further discussions and decisions for the planning of this area.
There were some wonderful and creative ideas which came out of this meeting, including quiet spaces for students to sit and relax, more space to play a variety of ball games, art spaces and water features!
You would have read in Paul’s update that we had a tree removed from this space and it was a lovely opportunity for our Student Voice Team members to share their contributions to the planning process to their peers.
Child Safe Standards
The following policies relating to the new Child Safe Standards were reviewed and updated in August, through our School Council Policy sub-committee meeting and were discussed at the Student Voice Team meeting. These can be found on our website.
- Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Child Safety Code of Conduct Policy
- Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures
- Bullying Prevention Policy
- Statement of Values and School Philosophy Policy
- Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
~ Sarah Abbott, Assistant Principal