Principal's Report

School Review Update
As communicated in previous newsletters, we have our School Review in three weeks’ time. During the last fortnight staff have been analysing the school’s data in relation to our School Strategic Goals and Targets, which can be accessed here.
Our targets were in relation to:
- NAPLAN achievement in Writing.
- NAPLAN growth between Year 3 and 5 in Reading.
- Student Attitude to School Survey (completed by Year 3 – 5 students).
When reviewing our performance, teachers identified the enablers which supported achievement of targets, and barriers which provided challenges.
Reviewing our performance during the last four years was an interesting process, particularly as we were in remote learning for a significant period of this time. I believe this is an ideal time to have a School Review, as we are now confident that face-to-face teaching is here to stay, and we can confidently implement strategies to improve learning and wellbeing outcomes for our students.
School Building Works
Tree Removal
The school playground was a hive of activity when children arrived yesterday morning. There was a hustle and bustle of arborist machinery and workers, setting up for the removal of one of our plane trees.
The roots from the plane tree had been identified through a ‘Condition Assessment Report’ as causing a health and safety risk, due to the cracking and rippling of the asphalt surface and the tripping hazard that this creates. The school received funding from the Department of Education and Training for this issue to be addressed ASAP. After discussion at Buildings and Grounds Committee, School Council, and meeting with the arborist, it was agreed that there was no way that we could save the tree if we wanted to eliminate the tripping risk.
The tree-works created much interest from students, and whilst we had to endure a morning with the sounds of chainsaws and tree shredders we were pleased to see the task finished by recess. You might have noticed that we have kept some of the trunk which we are sure to put to good use.
With this work now complete, we will be arranging for the surrounding area to be dug, the roots removed, and new asphalt laid.
Installation of Water Tanks
Saturday morning was also a busy time at the school as we moved four 10,000 litre water tanks into place. As you may have read in recent School Council reports, the school has agreed to use approximately $50,000 of its fundraising money to install water tanks, which will mean that the student and staff toilets will flush using recycled water, hopefully by next month. We are excited to see this project coming together as we maintain our commitment to sustainable practices, working towards Resource Smart accreditation.
Installation of Cantilever Shade Structure
We are expecting to see the installation of a cantilever shade structure take place this week. This shade structure will be situated alongside the 2C and 2D classrooms, facing the netball court. (You may have noticed some temporary fencing in that area). This upgrade is funded by a grant through the Department of Education’s School Shade Sail Fund, providing much welcome shade in that area.
Building Masterplan
With the recent flurry of capital works at FPS now at an end, the school is revisiting its Building Masterplan. This plan was initially created in 2015, with many of the upgrades having occurred, including:
- Building of the competition grade netball/basketball court.
- Establishment of Kaan’s Winya.
- Installation of the Eastern Playground.
- Building of the decked area next to the Foundation classrooms.
- Removal of the storage container and the upgrade of Fairfield Road boundary.
- Fence replacement around the school.
- Construction of the Fig Tree Courtyard.
School Council have identified that the next part of the Masterplan we should address is the area of the playground between the netball court and the Fairfield Road (Year 3&4) building.
As part of our Masterplan ‘next steps’, the Student Voice Team met with members of our Buildings and Grounds Committee. We felt the students’ voices on the redevelopment of this area was important, as they are the ones who will spend time there every day. It was great to hear and see their ideas, some of which we will hopefully be able to put into place.
To find out more about this meeting, please see the Assistant Principal’s section of this newsletter.
Parent Opinion Survey
Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents/caregivers/guardians think of our school.
The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. We encourage all families to participate in this survey. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
All families are invited to participate in the survey, which closes on Friday 16th September. You will receive details and a link to the survey by Friday 19 August, via Compass.
Enjoy your week.
~ Paul Wallace, Principal