Learning and Teaching

Science Week Highlight


During Week 7 the students were involved in activities themed around the National Science Week theme - More than meets the eye.

On this day the students were involved in 4 experiments;

  • Paper Plane Challenge
  • Egg Drop Challenge
  • Water Xylophone
  • Colour by PH

The students highlights of the day are as follows:

  • We got to design our own container that would protect an egg.
  • We dropped the egg from a really high place to see if it would survive.
  • It was really funny when some peoples eggs smashed.
  • We got to make paper planes and we tested them to see how far they went.
  • We got a second chance to redesign our planes to see if they could fly further.
  • Some planes flew over 8m long.
  • We were able to make different sound from glasses filled with different amounts of water.
  • It was really fun being able to make sounds using our finger around the rim.
  • We learned the PH scale for lots of different materials, even vomit and blood.

Book Week Parade and Activity Day



Who were they?

  • Saxon: Superman
  • Violet: Magic little kitten
  • Jack: Dinosaur
  • Sylvie: The cat in the hat

Favourite part?

  • Saxon: Parade
  • Violet: Activities
  • Jack: Activities
  • Sylvie: Activities

Favourite activities?

  • Saxon: Bracelet
  • Violet: Bracelet 
  • Jack: Bee plate
  • Sylvie: Bracelet 

Excited for next year book parade;

  • All: YES!! 


Grade 5

Who were you?

  • Noah: Uncle Fester with Thing 
  • Shania: Little Ash off Ash Barty's new book series 

Favourite activity and why?

  • Noah: Bee plate because the book was very enjoyable and uplifting. 
  • Shania: Bracelet making because it was fun and you got to spend time with your friends and got to be creative. 

Favourite part about the whole day and why?

  • Noah: Getting to see everyone’s amazing costumes, because some were very funny.
  • Shania: Whole school parade, because everyone got to see how creative everyone’s costumes were.

Excited for next year's book parade;

  • Noah: Yes I’m very excited!
  • Shania: Yes, very excited because I get to see even more amazing costumes!

Grade 6:

Who were you? 

  • Evie: Wolf Girl
  • Jackson: I wanted to go as Kermit the frog, but I couldn’t, so I didn’t dress up.

Favourite activity and why?

  • Evie: Bracelet making because it taught us how to be brave when you're in a tough situation. 
  • Jackson: Bracelet making and because the bracelets were cool colours and they looked so good!

Favourite part about the whole day and why?

  • Evie: Walking into school and seeing all the costumes was fun, also not having to do much school work. 
  • Jackson: Getting to mix with others in the school and getting to know them better.

Did you enjoy your last book parade for primary school?

  • Evie: Yes, I did, and I’m going to miss it next year. 
  • Jackson: Yes I enjoyed it but I’m going to miss doing it at high school. 


Who were you?

  • I was myself because aside from being in too much of a rush to get a costume organised, my idea was that I am a character in myself. 

Favourite activity and why?

  • I enjoyed all the activities, watching students from every year level enjoy each other's company and supporting each other throughout the process. Although, I especially enjoyed the friendship bracelet activity. 

Favourite part throughout the whole day?

  • My favourite part was watching the excitement on everyone’s faces as they discussed their costumes and why they decided to dress up as that particular character. 

Did you enjoy your first book parade at the St Joseph's?

  • Yes I enjoyed it and can’t wait to do it again next year!

' Come and Try' @ Rochester Secondary College 


On Wednesday the 24th August the senior students visited Rochester Secondary School as part of the ‘Secondary School Transition Experience.’ 

Students were broken up into groups and rotated through different subject areas which included; Science, Music, Woodwork, and Physical Education. They each spent 40 minutes in a subject area gaining an insight into what these lessons looked like. It was an exciting and interesting fun-filled day for all. The students had an amazing time.

Rochester Secondary supplied the students with a sausage sizzle lunch, including drinks. The weather was perfect, adding to a successful day!

We were so grateful to have had this wonderful opportunity to gain an insight into secondary school life.

Grade 1/2 Excursion - Golden Dragon Chinese Museum



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Week 1 Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
 Physical EducationMathematics

Visual Art

Technologies (3 - 6)



Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10
 English - Writing

Performing Arts


InquiryGeneral Comment

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Physical Education lessons are offered every week for all students.

FLSWednesday and Friday 
1/2ESWednesday and Friday 
1/2CSWednesday and Friday 
3/4FBTuesday and Friday
3/4JDTuesday and Friday
5/6PSTuesday and Friday
5/6YLTuesday and Friday