Principal's message

Dear Parents, Carers and Supporters, 


It's been a great two weeks with lots of different learning opportunities for all children. Teachers have planned for Activity Days for Science Week and Book Week. This means that all students have experienced different learning opportunities facilitated by different teachers. 


Tonight we host the St Joseph's Debutante Ball. We have had the privilege of preparing 10 young ladies and 10 young men for this event. Thank you to the hard working Parents and Friends that have worked tirelessly towards tonight. We look forward to a great evening celebrating these young people and their families. It is great to be able to gather and do things together.


Sandhurst Arts on Show

This Monday (29th August) the Grade 5 & 6 students will travel to Echuca for the Sandhurst Arts on Show event. Peter and Yvette have spent many weeks rehearsing with the students and we look forward their performance day.


Parents are very welcome to attend. Please use the QR code on the image below to access tickets. 


Division Athletics - Monday 12th September

Grade 3 - 6 students that qualified for the Division Athletics competition will compete in Bendigo on Monday 12th September.

Students will be notified early next week if they have qualified to compete in:

  • individual events
  • relays

Parents will be required to transport their child to the athletics. Mr Shorthouse will be in attendance to support students competing during the day.


As St Joseph's Primary School is in the School Sports Victoria Campaspe Division, where we participate in sporting events may change to venues previously travelled to. Stay tuned!


You are invited to celebrate our Father Figures and Special People.

The date coincides with Breakfast Club. 




We will gather at the Brigidine Cross for Bacon & Egg Rolls and there will be a coffee van for the special people to enjoy.



We have been granted an extra pupil free day to move into the new building.

This will give all staff the opportunity to relocate the administration, office and staff spaces into the new building.


Enrolments are always open.

If you know of someone that is looking for a place to begin their child's education journey. Please encourage them to come for a visit. We'd love to show them around.


If you are looking for a school that will meet your child's needs, please drop in or call (54841797). We'd love to show you around.


Enrolment forms are available from our website or from the office. They can be downloaded below.


CAMP Dates

Grade 3/4: 3rd & 4th November to Maldon

Grade 5/6: 12th - 14th December to Alexandra Adventure Camp


We will be visiting both camp sites prior to make sure they have the facilities we need to support all of our students. If your child is unsure of camp, please have a chat to their teacher. We will work with you to make sure they feel supported and have all the necessary information.


Take care and stay in touch.
