From the Principal's Office

Mr Chad Harris

SASS Recognition Week

Recently, we recognised and celebrated the wonderful work our SASS staff do everyday. Our staff answer countless phone calls, look after sick children, administer medication, ensure our finances are expertly managed, keep our gardens looked after and our lawns mown, and work with our teachers and students in classrooms. Along with our teaching staff, our SASS staff ensure that our school is a great place to learn and work. 

Book Week

Since 1945, the Children’s Book Council of Australia has brought children and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week. During this time, schools and public libraries spend one glorious week celebrating books and Australian children's authors and illustrators.


The Book Week parade was a wonderful celebration and it was great to see the smiles on our students' faces, as well as on our teachers’, parents’ and carers’ faces. You all looked wonderful! 

Education Week

Last week we celebrated a belated Education Week. The assembly was an opportunity to showcase some of the wonderful talent at our school with many students recognised for their outstanding effort over the year. The “Time Capsule” – that has been sealed for 21 years was officially opened and revealed a number of items that highlighted the times including photographs and newspapers from the day. These will soon be on display in the library.


After a morning feast, the day culminated in open classrooms where visitors were able to share in the learning. A big thank you to all who able to attend.

Colour Explosion Spectacular

Thank you to the families who have been able to support the fundraiser run by the P&C. A big thank you to all the volunteers from our community, Mindy and the P&C helpers, Ms Gibbs and Mr Berger for all their assistance. The day was a remarkable success with nearly $6800 raised for decodable readers in our school. The event was lots of fun for all involved – big kids and small. ☺


On behalf of the staff and students at WRPS – I would like to thank you for your support this term. Please have a safe and enjoyable break with your families. Students return on Monday 10th October – please note that there is no school development day in Term 4.