Planning for Success in 2023
It is now the time of the year where we start to look towards 2023, whilst ensuring the 2022 concludes well also.
Some parents/carers may be contacted by your child’s Sub School Leader and/or Learning Community Leader to arrange a time to meet to make a plan for 2023 and set some goals in areas that your child has been determined to be at risk for related to their learning or engagement in school.
We look forward to engaging with families to make positive plans with clear goals for us to support students’ to achieve.
End of Year Celebrations Commence
Last newsletter we celebrated the last day of school for our Year 12 students. The VCE students are now full swing into exams and have really impressed us by being on time, organised and arriving with a smile and positive attitude.
Our next celebration will be the Year 12 Valedictory Dinner where families will join us to celebrate all of the Year 12 students at GMHBA Stadium. This event is always one of the highlights of the year as we reflect on the final 6 years of schooling for our students as SCSC community members and send them off on their journey in the next stage of their life.
This year we will also be returning to Costa Hall for the annual SCSC Awards Evening. Students and their families will be advised via email in a few weeks, closer to the date, if their young person is receiving an award. We cannot wait for this event which will be on Monday December 12th.
We are also looking forward to welcoming 124 new Year 7 students to the College in 2023. We are hosting two days of Orientation this year on December 13 and 14, as we feel having an extra day to get used to the College, form relationships with staff and settle into their new school surrounds will be of benefit. We enjoyed meeting students and their families last week a the Year 7 Information Evening.
Camps and Activities Feedback
This week I have sent a Google Form to all parents and carers via Compass to gather some feedback to help us plan for camps and other activities in 2023 and beyond. A similar feedback survey has been sent to students in Years 7 to 11 also
It has been wonderful to get back to operating camps and off-site activities this year as these are important ways for our students to connect to each other and the College staff by engaging in fun and meaningful activities.
Whilst is has been wonderful to get camps back again, 2022 has still posed challenges for us in doing so. As camps opened up again for bookings, many popular venues booked up quickly meaning that we were not able to access some locations that we have used before. High rates of staff and student illness at times through the year have also hampered attendance rates or our ability to staff such events. The Victorian Government School Agreement that came into place this year on July 25 has included time in lieu for teaching staff from the start of 2023. Schools have not been given additional funds to pay for this time in lieu, whether this be given in payment or in time at a later date to staff. The College is however committed to maintaining as many camps as possible in 2023 and beyond but must be extra thoughtful about planning and budgeting for these. We do not want the cost of camps to be more expensive for families.
We have also accessed this year some of the government’s Positive Start Initiative camps which are free; this will be continuing during term 1 and 2 in 2023 so we want to be able to book ahead soon.
To assist us with planning camps for 2023, please complete these surveys by the end of the day Friday November 11.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Erin Wright
College Principal