Student Learning

Italian Scholarship Excursion
In Week 7 the Italian Scholarship students were visited by some Valley View High School students who also study Italian. They talked to us about where some Italian foods are from. We then played some games and had to figure out the place the food originated from. For some of us that was hard and for some it was easy. We also played Italian Kahoot which was fun. The next part of the excursion was going to an Italian cafe, Mercato. The Valley View students joined us for this. The cafe owners allowed us to look around and ask questions. The chef showed us how to make pasta and he made us all pasta to eat for lunch. Ms Chiro took us for a tour and we were given cookies to try also. She talked to us about all the Italian foods and how popular they were and where they originated from.
Overall it was a very different type of excursion and we were lucky we got to have the experience to go.