Working Bee

Thank you to everyone that came along to the day! 

They say many hands make light work and that they did! Thank you to everyone who attended the Term 4 Working Bee on Saturday 12 November. We had a great turn out with lots of volunteers coming for a third or even fourth time this year. 


Our volunteers worked tirelessly to plant an apple tree and other plants in the Japanese Garden, install a small fence around the Memorial Garden, perform some maintenance on the watering system in the Japanese Garden, paint benches, weed and lots more!


The students and their siblings had a great time helping and playing with their friends.  The sausage sizzle at the end of the day was a highlight as always.


Ms Biddle kindly attended on her weekend. She thanked the families for coming and for their work around the school. We hope you notice it too. Please stay tuned for communications about the next working bee in 2023. We look forward to seeing you there.


The HPS Sustainability and Grounds Subcommittee