Star Students 

Well done everyone on your amazing efforts! 

Darcy R4/5HFor being a kind friend at swimming.
Luke D4/5HFor being kind and considerate at swimming.
Jordan T6FFor helping other students at swimming.
Tate V6FFor taking care of others at Swimming.
Nathan N6FFor being kind and caring during swimming.
Holly O2/3SFor improved reading accuracy & fluency.
Lucas G2/3SFor neat handwriting in all writing pieces.
Ayla G6FFor always putting 100% into every work task.
Jackson B6FFor excellent writing in each & everyone of our Big Writes.
Max D6FFor being a polite & caring Classmate.
Perry B  6FFor sharing his sense of humour with class.
Amelia D01MFor working so hard to spell all the Magic words.
Annalia G01MFor amazing work at naming, describing and drawing 2D shapes.
Dylan S01MFor displaying amazing teamwork and for always being so helpful.
Ruby P01MFor asking questions to expand her understanding about a topic.
Rylan J01MFor reading aloud with accuracy and improved fluency.
Hayden  S                 01MFor working hard on your counting patterns by counting forwards and backwards from 2s, 5s and 10s.