Curriculum Matters 

Foundation Update

The Foundation students had a great day visiting Knox City Shopping Centre recently. 


We had many discussions about the different services our community provides, shops that we visit for we fun, such as the lolly shop, and the shops we visit because we need to, such as the supermarket. Many Foundation students donated gifts to the Kmart Wishing Tree, enjoyed a play at Lollipops Playland and we even saw Santa. 

Level 1 Update

Outdoor Ed Night

On Thursday 10th November the Level 1 students participated in their Outdoor Ed Night. This was an introduction to their camp experience by coming to school later in the evening. The students ate a sausage, drink and fruit for dinner. 

Despite the weather not being the best, the students had a run around and enjoyed playing with their friends. They then moved to the gym to participate in some really engaging dancing and games ran through Kaboom Sports. The two leaders was energetic and great fun. The students loved it! 

None of the students stood still as they were all given the opportunity to enhance their skills in cooperation, leadership, teamwork and resilience while enjoying movement and fitness. Some of the activities included circus tricks and throwing balls into targets. 

We would dearly like to thank all the parent helpers who came and helped on the evening, especially with the preparing of dinner. 

Level 2 Update

On a cold and rainy day, the Level 2 students turned up to school at 8:45am for Adventure Day. We took the bus to Emerald then transferred to Puffing Billy for the rest of the journey to Lakeside and Wombat Corner. 

Puffing Billy was amazing, the conductors bell was loud, the billowing steam was a sight to see, and the students observed the passing scenery of a forest habitat, lakes, ponies and even an old, rusty cannon in someone’s backyard!

Upon arriving at Lakeside, colourful native birds flew to the bars on the sides of the train carriages and provided light entertainment for all. As a group we all walked to Wombat Corner where the adventures began. The students completed a variety of activities including investigating the life in the local ponds, low ropes and mini golf courses, games, and the all exciting flying fox. 

The students finished with dinner and ice cream before heading back to Jells Park and their families. The smiles of the students shone through the rain and a fantastic day was had by all!

Level 3 Update

Students in Level 3 had two very special visitors from the Police Department Sergeant Aret Muradyan and Constable Rebecca Tsivoglou. Each spoke about why we have rules and laws in our community and the consequences of these if broken. After the presentation, students were able to experience sitting in the police car hitting the siren button. 

What a wonderful way to get to know the many people that provide support to our community!!