Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart







Working Bee

Firstly, a massive thank you to the families that contributed to the Working Bee last Saturday. It was a very small group, but we got a few key jobs done.

Thanks particularly to Shi Bai for sticking around until mid-afternoon to help finish off the installation of the new seats with James, our handyman. An my personal thanks to Hayden S (4K) who worked with me for almost the full 3 hours filling the skip with logs and branches, weeds and leaves - champion effort.

Junior School Council

I would also like to take the time to acknowledge the work of the Junior School Council this year, with the wonderful support of Mrs Michelle Beagley (3BK). They have been really engaged with supporting community, running a number of events over the year (one still to come) that have had an impact in helping those in need. They have also raised enough cash for us to maintain our World Vision sponsorship of Abel.

As the great Dr. Seuss said "Unless someone like you CARES a whole awful lot, nothing's going to get better - it's not". It is great to see our kids caring and trying to do something to better life for others.

Parent Contributions & Book Packs

A reminder that Book Packs are best ordered by 30 November to be able to avoid the late fee. So far only 47% of families have ordered book packs. Please get on to this so that your children have the required materials and resources for the start of school next year.

While you are at it I would ask that you jump on to Qkr and make the Parent Contributions for school in 2023. While these fees are voluntary, they do allow us to plan and purchase resources for students and upgrades of the school. We greatly appreciate your support.

Teacher Classes for 2023

Foundation:     Mrs Lauren Kalatzis (Antoniou), Mrs Kaitlin Jayaweera (Iacovangelo), 

                            Mrs Lisa Gray, Mrs Tania Maisey.

Level 1:             Mrs Kaylene Friebel, Mrs Rebecca Wroe, Mr Tristan Kalogeropoulos,

                            Mrs Narelle Anderson / Mrs Rebecca Cornall

Level 2:             Miss Annalise Henderson, Mrs Dee Serres, Miss Emma Bower (new)

Level 3:             Ms Nadia Costabile, Mrs Michelle Beagley / Mrs Rebecca Kennedy,

                            Mr Jared Meredith

Level 4:             Miss Melissa McLeod, Mr Darren Jenkins, Mrs Jessica Bower (new), 

                            Mr Mitchell Veitch (new)

Level 5:             Ms Sue Ward, Mrs Carla Wyllie, Miss Tahlia Holsinger.

Level 6:             Mr Chris Kaliviotis, Miss Amy Little, Miss Jessica Powrie

Specialists:      Mr Scott Zachariassen (PE + 1 day AP), Miss Shirley Choi 

                           (LOTE + classroom support), Mrs Elise Pratt (PA), Mrs Kathleen McSweeney

                           (Art), Mrs Heather Cook (DigiTech + PE), 

                           Mrs Sandy Mettrick (Boost)

Wellbeing:       Mrs Laura Serong

Aides:               Mrs Joanne Hague, Mrs Denise Toner, Mrs Denise Owen, 

                           Mrs Jillian Bobinac, Mrs Liz Clow.

Admin:             Mrs Jo-Anne Hoare (BM), Mrs Abeera Atif (admin), Mrs Lisa Bullock

                          (Admin), Mrs Karra McLeod (FA), Mr James Holden (Handyman), 


I wish to further advise that in Term 2, 2023, I will be taking leave for the whole term. I am pleased to advise that Mrs Kellie Stewart will be stepping up to Acting Principal. I am very confident that the school will be in good hands.


A reminder that the school will no longer be inviting parents to make teacher requests for 2023 as we have previously had between 30-50 individual requests from parents for teachers for the following year. We have found this unsustainable, and inevitability leads to disappointment when we cannot accommodate them all. I hope parents understand our reasoning for this decision. Please trust us to make the best choice for your child.

Thank you

I would like to acknowledge and thank Maggie Lui, who has provided additional Music classes at our school for over 10 years. Maggie will be ceasing her classes and moving on to other projects. Thanks for the wonderful contribution to Jells Park students over the years.

Special Notice

Just a heads up to all parents that our FINAL assembly of 2023, the one in which we farewell all Level 6 students, will be on Friday 16 December at 2.45pm in the gym.

There will be no assembly on Monday 19 or Tuesday 20 December 2023.


Kevin Oakey
