JP Racing 2022

2022 Energy Breakthrough

On Tuesday 15th November, the JP Racing students travelled up to Maryborough to compete in the 2022 Energy Breakthrough competition. 

When we arrived, we set up camp with some struggling with confusing tents. For the next couple of days, the HPV students cruised, spending time with friends, and supporting the Push carters.

While the HPV students were preparing for their events, the push-carters were competing in a separate part of the Energy Breakthrough challenge. Our first race was an obstacle course, made up of cones and barrels that you have to steer around. The next race that we participated in was endurance, where we had to run 200 meters then switch drivers. Soon after, we did our sprint event, we ran 50 meters then performed a quick changeover and turned around to run another 50 meters.  In the end there were a few seatbelt malfunctions but Lightning and Thunder came 13th and 14th respectively. Thunder won the presentation section where they made a video beforehand with a Mario theme.


The HPV event started on Thursday, where we had an action packed day. This day included Design & Construction, Display & Presentation, and also the practice race.

On Friday, HPV students began the race, with a 9 hour riding day. We followed this up with a 5 hour race on Saturday.

Everyone rode so well, and all teams finished in the top 10 overall. 

Shazzam finished in 10th, Vanquish in 5th, and Phoenix achieved the best score out of JPPS, finishing in 4th overall.


Of course, we would be nothing without all of our fantastic supporters.

Firstly, thank you to all of our sponsors, you have helped us improve every single year. 

To Bushy Park, for providing us students with fresh fruit to aid us when riding; to all the parents, for helping out the teachers when needed, or just driving us to and from JP Racing events; to Mr Small, Mr Kal, Mr Jenkins, and Miss Powrie, thank you for supporting our teams, helping out at races, and making this experience as fun as it was.

Lastly, but certainly not least, everyone involved in JP Racing realises just how much you do for us Mr Zach. Without you, JP Racing wouldn’t exist. So, a huge thank you to you. Your dedication and hard work has paid off. We had an amazing experience which we will never forget.